Like Jeff said, more info is needed.
But, in the meantime, here's some basic info for you to ruminate on.
Amps don't like low impedance. The lower the impedance, the harder the amp has to work.
Many don't even like one pair of four ohm speakers to begin with, much less two or more.
How speakers are hooked up can affect the impedance an amp sees. IE. Two four ohm speakers in parallel are two ohms. If they are in series, it sees eight ohms.
Your speakers are possibly wired in some combination of these two, but without knowing, it's hard to tell what.
But, from the way you're smoking receivers, smuptin' tells me the end result is well below four ohms.
If you've got an ohmmeter, we might be able to get an approximate (VERY approximate) idea of what the amp is seeing if you measure the speaker leads going into the receiver, after they are disconnected of course.
But, rather than play with this parallel/series puzzle, perhaps something like
this coupled with a modest front end (even automotive) might be your best bet in the long run.