I appreciate all the advice and a healthy discussion. I am in NO way offended.
I'm located in Virginia Beach.
The 2 x 15" subs are overpowering the HT-3's. The amp got too hot once and shut down. I tend to drink heavily and if a little is good then a whole lot is better seems to be my logic at 4am while trying to party....
I have the amp plugged into a Panamax powersrip with the Pioneer SC-57 and Oppo 93. I'm only interested in music quality - not movies. The listening position varies from 6 feet to an adjoining room to outside on the back deck.
The powerstrip is definitely limiting the amp. You also haven't said whether or not that outlet is only thing on that (15 amp?) breaker. If its not, and you have other outlets all drawing from that same breaker you're not getting anywhere near maximum rated output from that amp.
If you put that amp on a dedicated 20 amp circuit, then I highly doubt you'll feel the need to upgrade, you may, but I highly doubt it. Also, if it's not and you upgrade anyways you won't be gaining anything. Amps don't magically create power, it has to come from somewhere so whatever limits you have at the wall will trickle down the chain. Getting two bigger amps and then plugging them into a 15 amp shared circuit will only bring you right back to where you are now.
As has been discussed many times before, when it comes to playing loudly, it's always better to err on the side of efficiency than bigger amps unless you have realllllllllyyyyyy deep pockets