I'm going to be working in their catalyst group in Midland, MI.
$2500 for everything, including the sub amps. After calling and talking to a few of the RBH folks, the T-2's I got were prototypes with beryllium drivers that never came to market..? Similar to the
T-2/R's but, from what I understand, slightly above those performance-wise.
I'm studying chemical engineering, and will be done this upcoming May.
I worked for Kimberly-Clark for 9 months and got free product all the time. Including toilet paper, paper towel, kleenex, etc. This was one of the stacks I made not even halfway through my time with them....

I ended up with two more stacks like that, of all Cottonelle TP. That stuff ain't cheap ya know, I probably had a few hundred bucks in toilet paper alone when I finished working there!