Hello all, yes a noob to this forum but have been dealing with the AV world for quite a while.
I have a question concerning the Denon AVR-3312 CI. I have this Amp connected to my home theater in the basement and only use it occasionally so I'm not sure when the this problem started. I purchased the Amp in June of this year and had it set up and all functionally tested in the first week including the network connectivity.
Yesterday I went to turn it on and play music from my audio library while I was doing some work around the house and it couldn't see the network. We have had some power fluctuations with the massive storms that have hit the east coast this year (i usually unplug everything when we know one is coming) so I figured it just needed a power cycle, no luck.
I started my basic electronics trouble shooting and changed out the e-net cable from the denon to the network hub, ran a known good cable from the router to the denon and I still get no connectivity to either the router or the hub. Not even a green active light on the port that the denon is connected to. I went into the set up for the network and I get no mac address, IP address, and the DHCP is on. I am unable to select anything in the menu settings to make changes to the Network configurations.
According to the owners manual I should be able to check network settings by:
On the menu, select “Network Connecting” –
“Detail” and press ENTER.
and I don't get past “Network Connecting”. Looks like it's not selectable due to network failure.
I then did a factory reset by:
1 Turn off the power using ON/STANDBY.
2 Press ON/STANDBY while simultaneously pressing PRESET CHANNEL 2 and
3 Once the display starts flashing at intervals of about 1 second, release the two buttons
And accomplished nothing more than erasing all the configurations that I have tweaked over the last 6 months.
My questions at this point are this: Is there anything I can do prior to sending this back for repair to either kick the NIC back into operational status or verify that yes this is the actual problem and it needs to go in for repair? IF I send it in for repair what type of an experience am I going to have? This is my second Denon and I never had any problems with my first one.