Rythmik FV15HP vs. Power Sound XV15


Jeff R.

Audioholic General
Go with the Dual Outlaws.....use them and love them.......If you get the bug just sell them for close to what you originally bought them for...then will not depriciate much lower that what you are getting them for.


FWIW, I can sympathize. It's hard to look at numbers on a paper (or computer monitor) and figure out how much better something will be. The only perspective I can give is this: as mentioned, each 6dB increase equates to a doubling of acoustic pressure. At the lower frequencies where a subwoofer is operating, we're talking about sound we can feel as well as hear. So if your current subwoofer is like a twenty pound plate on your chest, assuming Tom's expectation of 4X-6X the output in the deep bass is correct (and he's unlikely to be full of it; there were measurements at AV talk on your PS1000, but the images with the data seem to be gone now), then you'd be looking at an eighty to hundred and twenty pound plate on your chest by comparison with the XV-15.
Thanks, Steve! That makes me feel slightly less neurotic and crazy. :D

In any case, go listen to what you can! I'd recommend perhaps trying to listen to something that Josh Ricci has already measured so you can try to correlate that with your perceptions.
I'm going to try but my options are extremely limited. Dayton seems to be a home theater enthusiast black hole.


Go with the Dual Outlaws.....use them and love them.......If you get the bug just sell them for close to what you originally bought them for...then will not depriciate much lower that what you are getting them for.
Have to see if this pans out. I think he's not 100% sure he wants to sell.

I'm sorta tempted to order this new SVS PB-100 for $500. Price is right and I can see what sort of improvement it yields over my PS-1000. And I would have the option within a year to upgrade to a PB12-Plus if I need more oomph.


I was all over this same FV15HP seller about 2-3 weeks ago. I was willing to make the ~4 hour drive to get it and had cash in hand. Emailed him a few times trying to make contact and asking a few reasonable questions. He responded back only once to tell me he still had the sub without any other details. Spidey senses went on full alert. Thanks but no thanks.


I was all over this same FV15HP seller about 2-3 weeks ago. I was willing to make the ~4 hour drive to get it and had cash in hand. Emailed him a few times trying to make contact and asking a few reasonable questions. He responded back only once to tell me he still had the sub without any other details. Spidey senses went on full alert. Thanks but no thanks.
Guy in Cincinnati?


Yup. That's him. Could be legit, but no contact or information, not worth my risk or effort.


Yup. That's him. Could be legit, but no contact or information, not worth my risk or effort.
Only thing he was interested in doing was meeting me at a neutral location to exchange cash for the subwoofer. No thanks.


He made no effort to provide any information on the sub or to even respond. My first thought was my email got filtered, ok give him the benefit of the doubt. 2 more emails with a brief 1 sentence response....ok, now I'm out.

I've sold a bunch of pricey stuff on ebay, audiogon and craigslist. All it take is a little common sense to weed out the crap and concentrate on serious inquiries. No effort on his end, no sale.

I was disappointed as Rythmiks do not show up for sale used that often, especially within driving distance.

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