The Paradigm is a good sub and should hold you over longer than you might think. Nice score.
You should hold out for dual VTF-15's.

All the low end you would probably ever need and then some.
The Rave 16 will probably have anywhere from 5 to 12 amps per house. 3 of which will be dedicated to the left, center, and right in a bi-amp configuration. One amp per channel. There should be 1 to 4 amps for surrounds and 1 to 4 amps for subs. The number of amps for surrounds and subs will depend on the size of auditorium. Amps will probably be QSC. Maybe Crown. But QSC is in 75-80% of all theatres. Processors will probably be made by Dolby or USL - Ultra Stereo Labs. Speakers will probably be Klipsch, JBL, or QSC.
The processors in cinemas really don't decode anything anymore. They are simply being used to set levels and EQ (B-Chain) the auditorium, and adjust volume. Everything is routed out of the server as 5.1 lossless audio via digital or or analog cable depending on situation and equipment used.