How much time a day do you spend listening to music?



Audioholic Samurai
It's doesn't have to be dedicated time, just whenever you're listening to music.

Personally, the only time i'm not listening to something is when it would be disruptive to whatever task i am doing. Other than that, i always have something playing.


Audioholic Jedi
When I was your age, I was the same way. Now, I don't listen to music all that much. I've found that I enjoy listening to audio books on the way to/from work, and I watch more videos when I'm home than I listen to music. I also enjoy silence more than I did when I was younger. At your age, I always wanted something going on. Now...I'm plenty happy when I can just get a break. :D

That said, I do like listening to music on my PC in the office or on my main system. I just don't do it all that often anymore.


Anywhere between 6 to 10 hours a day. Almost my whole work day is headphones on... plugged into laptop...

I run around a bit and help users... most days majority is at my desk. Get home, ... computer goes on. Gaming and listening to tunes, then movie while I work, then crash to either music or movie.

I don't think it's a bad thing, but then maybe it's a problem? My coworkers just got used to it. They throw things at me or text when they need me, even if they're 5 ft away. I'm sure I would've heard a lot of hell about it if I weren't good at what I do (which is IT nonsense).

On weekends, maybe 3-4 hours. Usually with the woman and more movies or doing whatever she wants to do.


Audioholic Intern
I probably listen to my home setup the least, which is where I put most of my energy building. I should probably reconsider this and invest in some headphones since I do listen to music more at work than at home.


Audioholic Slumlord
8-9 hours at work at the
Almost nothing on w'ends except occasional radio in car.. hope to fix up car radio very soon to use tt in car


Audioholic Chief
I listen to music pretty much non-stop when working. I have mini audio systems set up both at home and at work. I sometimes use headphones when working but usu. not because I need to move around.

I do use headphones at night in the house or listen to my dedicated 2 channel system. So I easily listen to music for at least 6 hours a day.


Audioholic Ninja
I spend {normally when working} 4 hours a day driving {radio on}, and the rest of the time on jobsites, always music playing, Then I come home and do my ppwrk either at the pc or on laptop where I am listening to music, then while dinner is being made and we are eating something is playing in the back ground, then I take a shower and Im playing something, then I watch a little tv {no music on} then I go to bed with something playing but it is on a sleep timer so just for 90 minutes... Then I wake up to the alarm clark playing music... and start all over....
Im listening to music at least 12 hours a day... minimum...


Senior Audioholic
Varies, but yesterday was 10 hours straight driving from Minneapolis to Lansing. Day before was about 4 during my flight from Tampa. To Minneapolis. My truck has a nice little Rockford fosgate/Alpine system in it which makes that much more enjoyable. Best part is that the drive was solo so I can listen to whatever I want with no complaints.
playlist was;
Outlandos d'amour
Regatta de blanc
Zenyatta mondatta
Ghost in machine
Music for the masses
Frank black
Big generator
Brighter than a thousand suns
A mashup of TV on the radio
a mashup of Oingo boingo
and a mashup of Wall of voodoo
As you can see it was mostly an 80's drive.


Audioholic General
Varies, but yesterday was 10 hours straight driving from Minneapolis to Lansing. Day before was about 4 during my flight from Tampa. To Minneapolis. My truck has a nice little Rockford fosgate/Alpine system in it which makes that much more enjoyable. Best part is that the drive was solo so I can listen to whatever I want with no complaints.
playlist was;
Outlandos d'amour
Regatta de blanc
Zenyatta mondatta
Ghost in machine
Music for the masses
Frank black
Big generator
Brighter than a thousand suns
A mashup of TV on the radio
a mashup of Oingo boingo
and a mashup of Wall of voodoo
As you can see it was mostly an 80's drive.
That would have been a nice drive. Good choices. As well as being a Boingo fan.:eek::D They where my first rock concert. I will never forget that evening.


Audioholic Field Marshall
I don't listen as much as I'd like to. I get in about an hour and a half in the car commuting every day and maybe 2 hours twice a week when I'm home.

Generally after work I more enjoy watching something and on the weekends I'm moving around to much to.


Senior Audioholic
That would have been a nice drive. Good choices. As well as being a Boingo fan.:eek::D They where my first rock concert. I will never forget that evening.
Being a post punk band and lumped in with the new wave sound at the time, probably diminished the fact that they were really a talented band with some great songs. It's really to bad that whenever anyone here's the name Oingo Boingo, they think "Weird Science".:mad:
Fortunately Elfman's talent for writing music wasn't totally overlooked and he has written some very memorable movie soundtracks in some of the biggest movies made in the last 20+ years.


Audioholic Field Marshall
Being a post punk band and lumped in with the new wave sound at the time, probably diminished the fact that they were really a talented band with some great songs. It's really to bad that whenever anyone here's the name Oingo Boingo, they think "Weird Science".:mad:
Fortunately Elfman's talent for writing music wasn't totally overlooked and he has written some very memorable movie soundtracks in some of the biggest movies made in the last 20+ years.
You speak the truth! I'm a little bit of a boingo fan myself, and frankly Weird Science is probably my least favorite song of theirs.


I would like to insert the distinction between listening to music and simply having it playing in the background.

So, yea, I guess for the majority of the day I have something playing.

But I only do real listening (i.e Not doing anything BUT listening to music) for a couple of hours.


Audioholic Chief
Definitely a lot more than I watch TV:D And If I'm not watching something on the TV, been watching X-files on Netflix lately, the music is on. Hmmm, I would probably say 2+ hours a day.

I really hate having buds or headphones on. Hence, at work I only listen for short spurts so I'm not even counting this.


Audioholics Contributing Writer
A couple of points resonate for me:
1) I can't/don't listen to music in the background: I'm either "all in" or it's a distraction
2) I don't really like listening (or watching) via headphones; I use my home stereo, boom box, or car

As for time, it varies based on the day of the week:
1) I ALWAYS listen to music when I workout (boom box 3 days/week)
2) I typically have music playing during weekend meals (home stereo)
3) I have the iPhone/iPod going in the car at lunch and/or on the way home (listen to talk radio in the morning)

I'd say I listen to music (typically a CD at a time) between 5-15 hours a week.


Junior Audioholic
Some times I will listen to music to and from work, but the majority of the time the radio is off. Where I live there are no what I consider radio stations. Before our receiver died, byt he time I get home music is playing and will remain on until bedtime. Once in bed we will set the timer to 90 minutes. On weekends when we are home, music is playing from morning to bedtime. If we are out and about on weekends, music will be on when we get home. Sometimes we will leave it on for our pets. I'm hoping to have a new receiver in two weeks. I hate not having any music.


Senior Audioholic
A minimum of 7hrs per day. So basically all the time, except when I'm going to sleep. Have done so for years.


Audioholic Spartan
My stereo is set up to be my alarm in the morning. 1 hr
Then the drive to work and back. 2 hrs
I go to bed where the stereo is set up to go off on it's own. 2hr
Looks like 5 hours a day for me.
If I had a job where I could listen to music, that number would be much

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