Hey! Congrats! BIG time
Yes, I think it's safe to say you're going to LOVE that system. I, for one, am really happy you decided to spring for the VTF-2 MK4

Like I mentioned before, it's the least expensive sub right now that I really feel is capable of "doing it all". Any of the less expensive subs have at least one obvious compromise. Certainly not "end of the world" type of compromises or anything. But obvious compromises none the less. The VTF-2 MK4 gets you to a level of bass where "
even louder", "
even tighter", "
even less distortion" are the only genuine improvements to be had. And you have to spend at least double to get them! The VTF-2 MK4 is already "loud, tight, and clean". So it's diminishing returns above the VTF-2 MK4, for sure. And that makes it a landmark product in my book
You really, really cannot get better speakers for less money than the Pioneers. I mean, it's $400 for full sized towers, a center and bookshelf surrounds! Are the Ascends even a bit better? In my book, yes. Pretty much all because of the Ascend SE tweeter though. That tweeter hits a level of quality WAY above its price point. At least to my ears. BUT, you're looking at over 3x the price of the Pioneers! A pair of CMT-340SE Mains with the matching stands that make them look like towers, plus the CMT-340SEC Center, and the CBM-170SE bookshelf surrounds wouldn've run you just over $1300 after shipping! So that becomes a MUCH more expensive system. No where even close to your original $600-$1000 budget! The Pioneer speakers allow you to at least keep that original budget within some sort of reasonable difference. And they're good. Not even "for the price" good. Just plain good. "For the price", they're utterly astonishing! So I'm not worried. I'm confident you'll really like them. And what I love most about them is that you can truly learn how to listen critically with them. Being able to do that for $400 is unheard of! Another true landmark. These are
tools , not just toys
And finally, I do prefer MultEQ XT and MultEQ XT32 for sure, whenever possible. The only thing the AVR-1913 really adds over the AVR-1713 are two extra amp channels (7 amps in the 1913, 5 amps in the 1713). And, like you pointed out, the 1913 steps DOWN to regular MultEQ, while the 1713 has MultEQ XT.
That said, it's by no means the end of the world. MultEQ and MultEQ XT actually have the same number of measurement points and filters for the bass frequencies. And the bass is definitely where you need the EQ the most. So it's not that big of a deal. I just favor the 1712 and 1713 because they're less expensive AND you get MultEQ XT. But with the 17xx series, you can't have built-in AirPlay/Network connection and 7 amps at the same time. The 1712 has 7 amps, but no AirPlay/Network. The 1713 has Airplay/Network, but only 5 amps.
So that part is a bit wonky. But the 1913 is still a very good receiver! I don't think you'll be disappointed with it at all. But if you're really torn up about it, you can always return it for the 1713 instead. You'd have to pay return shipping and possibly restocking fees though, so I truly don't think it's worth that. The 1913 will serve you well. And hey, if you ever have a setup where you've got about 6 feet of air or more behind your seat, you could expand to a 7 speaker setup
So ya done good! I'm REALLY pleased about that subwoofer. You will be too