On a pc, I have a little more then 40,000 songs and growing. Some FLAC but mostly mp3. The ps3 has about 5 or 6k songs on it. Can't get anymore then that on it without the problems getting worse.
I found the problem, you have too many songs... I thought I hada lot at 5000, they are like $1 each, how did you get so many?
I cant think of 40,000 songs I would listen to lol...
I think you need a real PC media center...
I keep all my music on Ipods and my laptop, and each of my systems has a dac and I20 dock, so if I want to listen to music, I put an ipod on the dock , or in my car, or plug in my laptop...
Ipods hold like 5000 songs so just separate your music into 10 ipods ,lol...