Suggestions on replacement HT receiver



Hi everyone,

New member here, but I've been lurking for awhile. I'm hoping to get get some opinions for replacing my current HT receiver.

Currently details : I currently have a Rotel RSX-1056 receiver that is starting to develop some issues with volume control. This is an older model without HDMI. I have Vandersteen speakers all around. The fronts are 2ce sigs which are being driven by a separate Rotel 1080 amp. The receiver drives the sides and rears which are Vandy 1c's.

I listen to music about 75% of the time, with 25% for movies. My main source is a HT computer (all music ripped to WAV), and it's connected to receiver via digital cable. The receivers DAC decodes to analog. I also have a rega turntable.

So basically I need something that.

1) sounds great with music (good DACS)
2) HDMI for decoding new audio formats
3) pre-outs (can even be a 5.1 as long as It does 7.1 with additional amp)
4) some sort of audyssey multieq for calibration.
5) phono input would be nice, but not needed

I don't need Iphone apps, or network connectivity. I'm guessing that stuff is just the norm these days.

Price .. Around $1200 for new, but I would consider used/older models.

Brands.. Denon, Marantz, Pioneer Elite, NAD are some ones that come to mind. I do like the Rotel sound, but they are expensive and a little behind on the tech side.

Thanks for your thoughts.
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Audioholic Ninja
$500 off this one just for the weekend... For $599, I dont think you can go wrong for your budget you can actually add a XPA3 amp to it... Or if you need the phono I have one of these, its nice..
I dont think the pioneer has phonos, they are getting harder and harder to find built into avr's... heres the sale...
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Audioholic Jedi
Welcome to the forum!

$1200 is plenty to get a very good receiver, and you could easily end up spending less and getting one that you like.

The Pioneer linked above doesn't have 12V triggers, which isn't a feature that you mentioned...but maybe you want it because you are running an external amp. When I was shopping for a new receiver in 2009, I found myself stepping up to the Pioneer Elite line just to get the preouts and triggers that I wanted - but I also got more advanced room calibration (Pioneer uses MCAAC and not Audyssey) and some other nice features.

Are there any receivers that have caught your eye so far?


Audioholic Ninja


Audioholic Ninja
Yah, after I bought all of that {which isnt bad with out the emo switch it was like $80} a frined of mine told me about the SMART SWITCH, which is way easier, you plug one device's power plug into a designated port like your avr, then you plug the other devices into all the other plugs, when you turn you AVR on, it turns on all the other plugged in devices... For like $20, I now have one for my bedroom tv, it works really good, way easier, lol... and its a power strip.. watch the oprah video, if she says it good its got to be lol


I forgot about the 12V triggers! It's probably not a deal breaker, but I do have my amp setup currently to use it.

For new receivers here are a few that have caught my eye..

Marantz - SR6007 is at the extreme upper limit of what I would consider, possibly the SR6006 or the SR5007 would fit my needs.

Denon - AVR-3313CI would have to be it. I don't think the AVR-2313CI has pre-outs

Pioneer Elite - SC-61 looks like it and that is at the upper end in cost. Looks like a big drop to the next one down (VSX-60) which doesn't appear to have pre-outs..

Some used units on audiogon look interesting.

Used pioneer SC-07 for $750, Marantz SR8002 for $800, New NAD T 757 for $899


Audioholic Jedi
I almost mentioned that, as I tend to recommend them, but that won't work with all amps (including mine). When power is removed from my amps, they need to be turned back on from the front power switch.

They are very nice products, though. :)


Audioholic Jedi
Used Denon 3310/ 3311/ 990 for around $450.

Call Electronics Expo and see if they have any Denon 4311 new for $1225 delivered (they have sold at this price many times). They have also sold the 3313 for ~ $700 new.

All these are fully network AVR with plenty of power, pre-out, HDMI, Audyssey, features. They even have both iPad and Android remote apps for these Denon. I have both iPad and Android and they work great. Love it. :D

Sound quality is second to none IMO.

I'm not just saying that because I have two AVR3310, one AVR990, and two high-end Denon BD players in my closet ready to sell. I'm actually just too lazy to sell them. :D


Audioholic Jedi
Denon - AVR-3313CI would have to be it. I don't think the AVR-2313CI has pre-outs
I got really interested in the 3313 earlier when it was first coming out, but if I'm going to get Audyssey, I have my mind set on XT32 because I want to also EQ my subs. It does seem like a good unit, though. The 3312 is very similar, I think, and they were running some great sales on those earlier this year - you might want to see if the 3312 is still available and meets your needs/wants. Amazon was selling the 3313 for $1000 for a while, so be sure to check for sales (okay, sure...that's true for everything :)).

Something that I really like about my Pioneer's MCAAC (and maybe Audyssey has it, too, but I haven't seen it on Yamaha's YPAO when I've looked) is that I can have different settings for different listening positions (up to six). I have three main sitting locations in my room, and I've run the auto calibration in all three areas. I toggle between them when I move around. It makes a big difference for me, as one of the areas is off to the side versus being right in front of the TV.


Audioholic Ninja
I almost mentioned that, as I tend to recommend them, but that won't work with all amps (including mine). When power is removed from my amps, they need to be turned back on from the front power switch.

They are very nice products, though. :)
What amps do you have {I see POS1 and 2:cool:}? I guess this is pretty easy to check for, just power your amp on, unplug it and plug it back in if it is on then your good if you have to manually cycle it, than no good... My small emo powers back on...


Audioholic General
"Denon - AVR-3313CI would have to be it. I don't think the AVR-2313CI has pre-outs"

I have the 3313 and I'm very happy with it aside from it no longer outputs PCM inputs to zone 2.
I guess they figured with the assignable zone2 hdmi, they didn't need it anymore..wrong!
Cheers, Mac


Thanks for the responses everyone.

The NAD T757 intrigues me from the reviews I've read. It sounds like a very audiocentric choice which is what my primary use will be. It's also very minimalistic which I also like, but it also has some significant weakness.

"So let's look at what the T757 doesn't do. There is no Room EQ as NAD believes in the more purist 'hi-fi ' approach to sound. There is no fancy GUI, no App-based remote control and no networking functionality.

While the relatively frugal 4-in/1-out HDMI connectivity has 3D/deep colour switching compatibility the T757 has no upscaling or Audio Return Channel functionality. If you have an old DVD player or standard definition broadcast TV the NAD will convert analogue inputs to HDMI, but only at native resolution"

The only thing that bothers me is the lack of room EQ. My Rotel didn't have that either, but my room isn't a perfect listening environment. Can anyone tell me how much of a difference it makes in their environment?


Audioholic Jedi
The only thing that bothers me is the lack of room EQ. My Rotel didn't have that either, but my room isn't a perfect listening environment. Can anyone tell me how much of a difference it makes in their environment?
In my room with my speakers, it made a huge difference in my system. I think that room EQ is probably the single greatest advance in receivers over the past ten years. The first receiver of mine that had it was a Pioneer that I bought in 2005, and the change compared to my 1998 Yamaha that didn't have it was night and day. Btw, when I ran the Pioneer without room EQ on, it sounded like the Yamaha - so it wasn't just a difference in receivers.

That said, there are others here who prefer to listen to music with Audyssey turned off (I don't have Audyssey, so I don't know if it's specific to that algorithm). I greatly prefer to listen to music (and watch movies/TV) with MCAAC on. I also enjoy the THX sound modes on my Pioneer VSX-23.


I'm still continuing to do research :)

I checked Electronics Expo and I can get last years Denon model AVR3312CI for about $780 delivered.

What are the the main differences between the AVR3312CI and AVR3313CI?

I see the AVR3313CI has 4K video option (probably be a LONG while before thats is a standard), an extra HDMI output (will never use more than 1), and an extra HDMI input (I only need four). Not having any of these features is definately not a show stopper.

The NAD T757 is still tempting as well. The thing looks like a tank, and the modular upgradability seems nice.

Still kicking the tire on the Marantz SR5007, but from what I've read the sound quality has been in a steady decline since the 0005 series.

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