Hi everyone,
New member here, but I've been lurking for awhile. I'm hoping to get get some opinions for replacing my current HT receiver.
Currently details : I currently have a Rotel RSX-1056 receiver that is starting to develop some issues with volume control. This is an older model without HDMI. I have Vandersteen speakers all around. The fronts are 2ce sigs which are being driven by a separate Rotel 1080 amp. The receiver drives the sides and rears which are Vandy 1c's.
I listen to music about 75% of the time, with 25% for movies. My main source is a HT computer (all music ripped to WAV), and it's connected to receiver via digital cable. The receivers DAC decodes to analog. I also have a rega turntable.
So basically I need something that.
1) sounds great with music (good DACS)
2) HDMI for decoding new audio formats
3) pre-outs (can even be a 5.1 as long as It does 7.1 with additional amp)
4) some sort of audyssey multieq for calibration.
5) phono input would be nice, but not needed
I don't need Iphone apps, or network connectivity. I'm guessing that stuff is just the norm these days.
Price .. Around $1200 for new, but I would consider used/older models.
Brands.. Denon, Marantz, Pioneer Elite, NAD are some ones that come to mind. I do like the Rotel sound, but they are expensive and a little behind on the tech side.
Thanks for your thoughts.