No, it has a 4" port which can be modified larger if needed.
A 4" port, or any tube port is not going to handle any modern high powered 15" sub driver. It will chuff like the devil. A slot vent or passive radiators will be mandatory.
Also getting the volume right for a given driver in a resonant system is essential.
With resonant systems you have very little leeway in cabinet volume and port dimensions.
Correct tuning is essential for good bass response and preventing driver destruction.
If the cabinet is strong enough with good bracing your best bet is to seal the port. You have much more leeway with cabinet size in sealed alignments, but you still have to model the response, and look at cone excursions etc, if you don't want to blow an expensive woofer. Equalization will be required in a sealed alignment to extend bass response.
In general reverse engineering a cabinet for a different driver is a bad idea, and ends in frustration and compromised results.
It is far better to build a new cabinet and get things right from the ground up.