Not to beat a dead horse, but I'm in the hunt for a new budget sub. I recently had my Dayton Sub-120 quit working on me and since I purchased it cheap, I don't want to spend the time or effort into fixing it. The Dayton suited me well for the 3-4 years that I owned it and for the price, the performance wasn't that bad at all.
So, now I'm looking for something to replace it around the $200 price point. I don't want to go over that, if I don't have to. The two subs that keep coming up in my searches are the BIC F12 and the Polk PSW505. The main use for the sub will be HT, at about 80% HT to 20% music. The room is about 14x22 with a large opening going into the kitchen. The only advantage of the 505 that I can tell is the I won't have to turn it up as much to get the same sound level and it can hit slightly lower notes. The advantage of the BIC is the 5 year warranty on everything.
Would one of these subs be better than the other for my listening needs and room size? Or will I be happy with either? Thoughts? Other suggestions?
Current setup:
Denon 4311
2x Polk Monitor 70s
2x Polk Monitor 50s
1x Polk CS20