A little update as I've been living with the Ultra for a while now, and an ironic twist:
Well first and foremost, in spite of the fact that the Ultra cost me more than the other five speakers put together by nearly two to one (yay for used speakers!), I've still not had even a single a twinge of buyers remorse; there hasn't been any pining about what the Plus would be like or wondering whether it was worth the bother to upgrade from the NSD.
As I've mentioned on other threads, I've been fooling around with the output modes a bit. I've not heard anything that has swayed me from sticking with the 16Hz tune. I'm glad the options are there of course; if nothing else, it's interesting to see what makes a significant audible difference to me and what doesn't.
The twist is the fact that I find myself easing off the volume a tad. Maybe it isn't all that surprising to some, but with the NSD, I constantly found myself pushing the volume up to get more of a tactile feel. I suppose in part due to the lower tuning, the Ultra can quite readily deliver satisfying output at (relatively speaking) lower levels. Instead of pushing a movie to -5dB from reference and watching the limiter on the NSD light up like a Christmas tree in bass heavy scenes, I can just sit back at -10dB from reference and get all the output I desire. Heck, I'd daresay even at lower levels (-20dB from reference) the Ultra seems to have more kick to it, though admittedly I don't have the NSD to compare with anymore, and my memory may simply be failing me...
All in all though, I'm finally satisfied with the bass I'm getting, and that's a good place to be.