Anyone who knows me around here knows that I'm a huge fan of the current SVS subwoofer lineup, and I'm particularly a fan of the PC13-Ultra, which I feel is just a fantastic value! I've honestly not heard a better sub quality wise. I've heard subs that can play even louder. And they often cost several multiples of the PC13-Ultra's price. So to be honest, if I ever were to require more output than the PC13-Ultra can muster (which is already prodigious), I'd probably just opt to add additional PC13-Ultra units, rather than choosing a different, higher output sub
A while back, I highly recommended the PC13-Ultra to a forum member here. He had a great way of describing the level of sound quality, which was to say that it manages to convey "texture" in the bass, and that "real life" feel that you get when you're sitting close to the stage at a jazz club or a concert. That's a sensation that goes beyond just audible sound, and it's missing from a lot of lesser subs.
I also want to stress how flexible the cylinder versions really are in terms of placent options. The lower weight and small footprint are obvious, but a lot of people don't know that you can also lay the cylinder subs on their sides! That makes them really easy to tuck behind a couch, or along the edge of a wall.
So I'm a big fan of the cylinder form factor. And they're less expensive to boot! Can't beat that