Crown XLS1500 SETUP?



Audioholic Field Marshall
I just received my XLS1500, my first Pro audio piece, I will be using it in the Stereo Bypass Mode, that is default setting, my question is with the Peak Clip Limiters which are also set to on as default, do I keep this engaged or defeat this feature and disengage each channel, I really don't understand this, having this feature on (engaged) according to manual will provide the amp and system with higher performance and better protection. These limiters are specifically tuned to work with this amp design and power-supply to achieve higher SPL with less audible artifacts while protecting your loudspeaker investment. These limiters can easily turned on or off from the front panel. Sorry for all this for a yes or no answer. Engage or disengage?
Thanks really, Jeff :eek:
mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
disengage for me. for our home use, we won't reach a fraction of what these pro amps can do.


Audioholic Field Marshall
disengage for me. for our home use, we won't reach a fraction of what these pro amps can do.
Mike thanks for the response, what is the benefit of keeping this featured engaged if any, in other words what do these Peak Limiters actually do, is it basically a safety feature to see what's actually going on in the amp under a load. If you don't mind explaining why you decided to disengage this feature. You say we won't reach a fraction of what these pro amps can do, is this statement related to the Peak Limiters function? Thanks brother for your time and sorry for all the questions. :eek:
Cheers Jeff


Audioholic Jedi
It seems like a lot of people turn off limiters.

But as Bryan from Rythmik subs said, try both on and off. If you can't hear any difference, then leave the limiter on.

I left my limiter on for both the Crown amp and my Rythmik subs, although I think many people turn the limiters off because people think the limiters will degrade the signals/ sound quality.

Some limiters will decrease gain level. Like my Niles speaker selector. The limiter or protection mode severely decreases the gain/ volume by almost 10dB. So I turned that off. :D
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Audioholic Jedi
Bill Fitzmaurice (loudspeaker designer) said this:

"A good limiter is the only sure-fire way of preventing speaker damage."


Audioholic Warlord
Mike thanks for the response, what is the benefit of keeping this featured engaged if any, in other words what do these Peak Limiters actually do, is it basically a safety feature to see what's actually going on in the amp under a load. If you don't mind explaining why you decided to disengage this feature. You say we won't reach a fraction of what these pro amps can do, is this statement related to the Peak Limiters function? Thanks brother for your time and sorry for all the questions. :eek:
Cheers Jeff
I'm guessing here.... but my guess is that the limiters let the amp soft-clip rather than hard clip. That is much easier on the ears and less stressful to the speakers.


Audioholic Field Marshall
I'm guessing here.... but my guess is that the limiters let the amp soft-clip rather than hard clip. That is much easier on the ears and less stressful to the speakers.
That seems like a very educated guess, I really don't think I will push the 1500 to clipping, but your guess makes a lot of sense, Thanks :)
mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
Because you think the limiter degrade the sound quality?
not really. since i don't know what exactly the limiter does in this amp.

but i've had some limiters really neuter the sound, which is why the only limiters i need for amps are my hand and ears. :)

Mike thanks for the response, what is the benefit of keeping this featured engaged if any, in other words what do these Peak Limiters actually do, is it basically a safety feature to see what's actually going on in the amp under a load. If you don't mind explaining why you decided to disengage this feature. You say we won't reach a fraction of what these pro amps can do, is this statement related to the Peak Limiters function? Thanks brother for your time and sorry for all the questions. :eek:
Cheers Jeff
i don't know anything about this particular amp to comment but, unless you have a 70's sensitivity speaker, you won't even be anywhere near 150w, let alone your amp's capacity.

which means, you won't be clipping your amp anytime soon, which means you don't need a clip limiter.

but that's just me.
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Audioholic Field Marshall
It seems like a lot of people turn off limiters.

But as Bryan from Rythmik subs said, try both on and off. If you can't hear any difference, then leave the limiter on.

I left my limiter on for both the Crown amp and my Rythmik subs, although I think many people turn the limiters off because people think the limiters will degrade the signals/ sound quality.

Some limiters will decrease gain level. Like my Niles speaker selector. The limiter or protection mode severely decreases the gain/ volume by almost 10dB. So I turned that off. :D
ADTG, did you notice a decreased gain with your 2500 with limiters on or any degradation with signal or SQ. Thanks my man :)


Audioholic Jedi
ADTG, did you notice a decreased gain with your 2500 with limiters on or any degradation with signal or SQ. Thanks my man :)
I didn't notice any difference in quality before, but I will compare again using an SPL meter this time to see.

I know the limiter on my Rythmik subs make no difference in SQ at all.

The limiter on my Niles speaker selector sucks because it decreases my volume by 10dB.

But I will check the Crown's limiter again more critically this time.

If there is in fact no difference in SQ, I will keep the limiter on. Otherwise, I will turn it off.


Audioholic Jedi
Okay, I just compared the 2 Limiter modes: ON (Clip On) and OFF (Clip Off).

First, the sound quality was the same. I could not hear a difference at all in SQ.

Second, the gain/ volume level was also identical (using SPL digital meter).

The limiter in the Crown amp appears to be high quality and did not degrade the sound quality in any way.

Therefore, I will keep the default standard factory setting of Stereo Bypass (Bypass XO) and Clip On (Limiter ON).


Audioholic Warlord
With Crown all the clip limiter is for is to prevent damage to speakers. It isn't all that easy to make it kick in. When I was selling the amps and trying to see what their limitations were, we were able to get it to kick in, but we had to play the system so loud you would never get to that level in your home unless you had VERY demanding speakers that you needed to get to ungodly SPL's (130+). If the clip limiter of an amp alters the sound there is a good chance you have a crappy amp (I only have experience with pro amps with that feature) and none that I've tested with clip limiters ever altered the sound. That includes QSC, Crown, Mackie and some of the newer class D Peavey amps.

I say leave it in place so you don't hurt your speakers, but I don't think you'll ever need it.


Audioholic Field Marshall
Okay, I just compared the 2 Limiter modes: ON (Clip On) and OFF (Clip Off).

First, the sound quality was the same. I could not hear a difference at all in SQ.

Second, the gain/ volume level was also identical (using SPL digital meter).

The limiter in the Crown amp appears to be high quality and did not degrade the sound quality in any way.

Therefore, I will keep the default standard factory setting of Stereo Bypass (Bypass XO) and Clip On (Limiter ON).
ADTG, thank you for going through the trouble to satisfy my request, I will use the exact settings, you are the man :D
Cheers Jeff ;)


Audioholic Jedi
ADTG, thank you for going through the trouble to satisfy my request, I will use the exact settings, you are the man :D
Cheers Jeff ;)
You're welcome. Being able to use banana plugs on the Crown amp made it a lot easier. :D

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