Well I would NEVER stop anyone from getting an Ultra!
The NSD subs certainly have their limits in terms of potential output. If the room is big enough and you like to listen loud enough, it's certainly possible to exceed the output capabilities of the NSD subs. I know several people who've done so
But yeah, just figured the volume dial "trick" was at least worth a try since it's a free and pretty easy adjustment! I was just as surprised to learn about that little quirk in the new Sledge amps. It was only when another forum member told me what Ed had said to him, and after talking with Ed myself that I learned about the whole, "set the volume dial on the sub itself as high as possible with the trim level in the receiver set to its minimum setting" thing. It's certainly unusual, but it sort of makes sense if you think if you think of the volume dial on the Sledge amps as simply being a way to back off and limit the maximum output, rather than the traditional volume dials that we've all gotten used to.
If all your other speakers wound up being about +5dB in their trim levels, and the NSD only started to flash its limiter light with the master volume on your receiver set to -9dB, then you were really only about -4dB from Reference Level. That's a pretty big jump from the -15dB levels you were at before!
So it seems to me that increasing the volume dial setting on the subwoofer itself and decreasing the trim level of the sub in the receiver to its minimum added a fair amount of extra headroom and output after all! Not enough to allow you to listen at full Reference Volume, but still a pretty big increase in output.
I'm guessing your receiver has, like, maybe + or - 12dB or 15dB or 20dB to play with for each speaker trim level? So yeah, if the subwoofer's trim level in the receiver was at -4.5dB before, and now you have it at its minimum of -20dB, we can sort of imagine that if it were possible to set the trim even lower to, like, -25dB, you basically would have been able to leave your other speakers' trim levels where they were, and turn up the volume dial on the Sledge amp even a couple more notches.
It's only a rough estimate, but it seems like you would have been able to set the master volume to about -4dB from Reference Volume before the limiter light kicked on in that scenario. So from -15dB before to only -4dB? That's, like, kind of a big deal, no?
But yeah, the Ultra should absolutely stun you with how good it is

Try this whole volume dial and trim level thing with the Ultra too though. I can't say I even really fully understand it, but I trust that Ed knows all about the SVS subwoofers he's selling

And yeah, even if the volume dial "trick" only truly took you from -15dB below Reference to -9dB below Reference, that's still a pretty big boost in maximum output for "free"! Can't hurt to try it with the Ultra in any case, right?