Receiver as a pre amp?



Audioholic Chief
couldnt find the info i was looking for, i picked up an old hk avr20, sounds pretty good running my b&w lm1's, question is can i use this receiver as a pre amp adding a separate 2 channel amp? overall would i get better quality of sound? or would i be be better off picking up an eq and starting their? only use this for 2 channel audio.


Audioholic Jedi
You can indeed use that receiver as a pre amp.

As for whether it would sound better with a separate amp - does it sound good to you now?

Also, you can think about if a separate amp for that receiver would be a better choice than a new receiver, if they cost the same.


Audioholic Chief
sounds pretty good, still seems a little lacking, however i still miss my rotel 1068 and martin logan montage' (yea not gonna get that sound with what i have) i would like to get a good clear 60-90 watts a channel (listen to more vinyl now) was looking at picking up a older "vintage" marantz or rotel amp to get a "warmer" sound (i also have a pair of boston a120's that i love) money is tight which is why i have this older hk receiver, was hoping to find a decent price on an amp and eq, want to hear others opinions, im sure im not the only one trying to put together a decent 2 channel setup with a slim budget.


Audioholic Chief
also wouldnt i get more bang for my buck (in theory) by spending $100 on a dedicated amp, rather than spending $100 on a receiver that does more than power?


Audioholic Jedi
also wouldnt i get more bang for my buck (in theory) by spending $100 on a dedicated amp, rather than spending $100 on a receiver that does more than power?
Most likely, yes. If you can get an amp for $100, that would be great. A lot of stereo amps cost more than that, but there are some good used ones out there.


Audioholic Chief
what about the simple emotiva for around 200 new? only 50 watts a channel but wonder how strong it is overall, however im not gonna need crazy power anytime soon, ive never listened to anything running off emotiva, only heard great things for the price


Audioholic Jedi
I own two Emotivas. Not great experiences with the amps or the company for me, but others here love them. Just adding the other side of the coin for you, but statistically, it seems that most people are happy with their stuff.


Audioholic Overlord
Unless you believe the HK unit is unable to drive your speakers, replacing it will make little difference in your sound. If you want to substantially improve the sound, look at speakers first.


Audioholic Chief
you answer with just a no, what reason is their...
woudnt a better amp net me a cleaner sound? just say i picked up a decent marantz or rotel amp and used that instead of the "onboard" amp off the old h/k

from my experience each manufacturer has a different sound some might say a brighter or warmer sound from one to the other, i demoed my ML's off a denon and rotel each similar specs and the rotel just seemed to sound much better (in simple terms) to me.


Audioholic Slumlord
you answer with just a no, what reason is their...
woudnt a better amp net me a cleaner sound? just say i picked up a decent marantz or rotel amp and used that instead of the "onboard" amp off the old h/k

from my experience each manufacturer has a different sound some might say a brighter or warmer sound from one to the other, i demoed my ML's off a denon and rotel each similar specs and the rotel just seemed to sound much better (in simple terms) to me.
I would stay away from amps that have their own sound and stick to those that are transparent, just amplify the signal unmolested. According to your experience you would have to be the judge because we don't know what kind of sound you like. 'Warm' sound is a relative and subjective term, only you know what it really means to you.


Audioholic Jedi
woudnt a better amp net me a cleaner sound?

each manufacturer has a different sound?

:D :D :D

If your speakers truly require more power (low sensitivity, low impedance, giant room, extremely loud > 100dB sound, etc), then a more powerful amp twice or thrice the power would help. Otherwise, no.

If the Denon and Rotel were hooked to the same speakers and subs and they were both in direct modes and identical setup and volume (no room correction, EQ, DSP), you won't hear any difference. The reason some hear differences is because the volume was not level matched and/ or some processing was engaged (RC, EQ, DSP).

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