Sorry for my terseness. It seems I wrote 'front' in the original post when I meant 'rear'. My fronts are B&W 802d's, each powered by a Levinson 434. I really like this setup for stereo audio, and don't plan to change it. For a variety of reasons, I'm now merging that into a 5.1 system, with B&W 803d's for rears and a B&W HTM1d for center. I bought an Emotiva XPA-5 to power the rears and center, figuring it wasn't that much more than an XPA-3 and would let me expand to a 7.1 system if I could scrounge up two more 803d's eventually. Meanwhile, I wondered if it made any sense to use the two unused channels in the XPA-5 to bridge or biamp the 803d's. The answer came back that it made no sense, so I'll let the two channels go unused for now.
FWIW, the room is 28' x 18' with a complex ceiling 9'-14' high. The subwoofer is an SVS PB12 and I'm dreaming of picking up a second one if they go on sale this winter.