The comparison article attached to the first post is great, and just what I was looking for. The Pioneer website certainly doesn't provide this information. Should I assume that if something isn't mentioned as being different for a particular model, then it is the same? What I mean is should I assume that the quality of the various components is the same across the line? Yes, the higher models support more channels and with more output, but if you don't need the additional channels and aren't trying to fill a large room with sound, will they sound the same? If measured, would the specs be the same? Is the MCACC the same across the line or do the higher models provide more levels of control? I just run a one room, 5.1 system, so don't need or want to pay for the extra channels, as well as extra heat, as well as extra current draw. But I do want to get the best sound, and to be able to apply the best room correction to get the most out of my setting.
Thanks for the guidance.