Sorry, I don't believe anything out of Alex's mouth anymore. Many of us (I was one of them and have first hand experience with eD doing this) were lied to about RMA issues, product availability, shipping times, etc.
They flat out lied and they took our money and strung people along as long as they could before they are being forced to shut the doors. I think there was a lot more going on there than the letter implies. I would never take money from somebody if I could not provide the service or the product that the customer purchased. Period.
It is sad about the company, but I feel far more sorry for the folks who are out thousands of dollars, or stuck with a subwoofer or speaker that will not be replaced or repaired under warranty.
There is something to be said for the tried and true ID companies like SVS, Aperion, and Hsu (etc) that standby their products and have very few failures and ship product on time.
The quality, craftsmanship, customer service, etc from my Hsu purchase is night and day better than eD.. Lesson learned.. Where there is smoke, there is fire..