don't make me beg here. i recently bought the omnimic measuring system. it is simple and intuitive to take fr sweeps, waterfall graphs, etc. but there is a problem i am having and i'm not alone. from the AVS forum on omnimic, a sample of quotes:
"I was hoping that I'd find a good 'How To...' on the net somewhere but I haven't so far. I'm a total noob at all this measuring stuff - I know how a first-time Audyssey user feels now!"
"I've searched high and low for a 101 on acoustic measuring but, so far, without success..."
"I do not think there is a "HOW TO Read measurements" thread or document online. THere should be!! I think everyone learns over time from looking at 100's of plots and reading 100s of discussions."
"So far, the Omnimic has not really helped me. This was my fear before I bought it - that the learning curve would be very steep, that there is no online 101 on room measurement and how to use the graphs."
i could go on but i think you get the idea. there is very little BEGINNER information online on how to take standard measurements (nearfield? farfield? which weighting? which smoothing? what range? - yes there are some instructions for this, but they all assume you know what all these are and what your doing). and there is almost zero, nada, zilch info online on how to use and apply these pretty graphs - how to read a waterfall, decay plots, fr response, how do i interpret these when moving my speakers and subs around the room, should i have my subs on or off, should i measure one channel at a time, should i be using rta or snapshots, etc etc). audioholics would be doing a lot of people a real service with an article (or better, series of articles for each major graph type) for NOOBS. true, not everyone will take room measurements, but all of us could learn how to look at a waterfall chart and know what it means. how about it? please? pleeeeezzzzzzz.....