Really Boring Stuff Only II: Return of the Boredom

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Audioholic Jedi
Adam - Do wear a helmet and checkout Rogaine
Thanks, man. I think that the train left the station too long ago for Rogaine. I'm okay with it, though. This way, it's actually exciting to see a gray hair...because it means that it's still there. :D


Senior Audioholic
put my computer back in its old case (was in an old dell case for a while) and wow... i forgot how great its airflow is. i have my hard drives in 2 empty 5.25" bays and an intake fan that blows right through them and onto my ram, an intake fan on the side that provides air for my graphics card and my old card that's now an exhaust fan, a ventilation duct on the side panel so my cpu heatsink gets its air from outside of the case and then a fan on the back to exhaust the air from the cpu and hdd fans. its weird how perfect it all works.... its a really ghetto setup but wow it works great. processor is down to the mid-high 50's while doing basic browsing and even when im gaming it only gets to the low 70's where it used to get up into the 80's. my graphics card is now staying in the low 40's but its never gone above 58 degrees anyways. its also quieter even though its got 5 more fans than it used to.

now i just have to find a way to muffle the sound of the timer for the lights in my aquarium and the filter noise. i havent seen my shark in 3 months.... i guess its safe to assume that my goldfish ate him.... thats 2 sharks, 1 chinese algae eater and 5 danios he has eaten now... my other Chinese algae eater jumped out of the aquarium and we found under my dresser after it had been missing for a year....

i also helped my dad build a removable stereo for his car today but one of the speakers is blown. will post pics once the upholstery is done
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Audioholic Spartan
I think I have worked my last midnight shift for the foreseeable future. Yay.


Audioholic Spartan
There goes your excuse for drinking early in the morning.
Don't rule that out so quickly. I am on vacation for the next week.

Of course that means that either I won't get out of bed in the AM or that I will still be wide awake all night and drink to get some sleep.:D


Audioholic Jedi
Of course that means that either I won't get out of bed in the AM...
I recommend a mini fridge next to your bed. Cold brew with no need to get up. Well maybe one reason, but snag some Depends and you're good to go. :D


Audioholic Jedi
I'm trying to decide what to do with this new computer (Dell Inspiron 2320). The screen quality kinda sucks (not horrible overall, but the colors are off and the off-axis viewing is really bad), and the hard drive makes my desk hum (I haven't found a good isolation method, yet).'s got some nice qualities. I think for this morning, I'm going to see how it looks when connected to an external monitor (it only has a VGA output). If that looks good, I might set it on the floor and see if that quiets things down.

Although I have zero need for it, maybe I'll put it on one of my kitchen counter tops. You know, for that once-a-year viewing of America's Test Kitchen as I'm trying to make something that they had on their show. :D


Audioholic Slumlord
I don't really get the point of AIO (all in one) computers...other than as POS (point of sale)
Sell the dell and get the ipad :)


Audioholic Jedi
I don't really get the point of AIO (all in one) computers...other than as POS (point of sale)
Sell the dell and get the ipad :)
I have an iPad. :D

I agree about AIOs. This one has potential, and the touch screen is kinda cool, but they really hamstrung it with the low quality display panel. A SSD or better isolation on the HD would have been tremendous, too, because the hum imparted to my desk got to be just too much for me. Right now, I have it on the floor with my monitor connected to it, and it looks great (even with VGA). There's no getting around the integrated graphics, although they work flawlessly for everything but gaming. It was nice to see that the main display shuts off when an external monitor is set as the primary single display. Again, loads of potential and some excellent features, but some serious negatives that keep it from being my choice.

I can't sell the Dell. It was provided for review purposes, and they can ask for it back.


Audioholic Jedi
When I went to the vet yesterday to get Niki's food, I heard a woman say, "I'm here for Adam." I look up, and while she wasn't smoking hot, beggars can't be, you really can't beat the convenience of it.

Turns out, her dog's name was Adam. Oh, well.
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