Really Boring Stuff Only II: Return of the Boredom

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Senior Audioholic
there is a hole in the wall next to my front door that leads into the attic. some mud daubers have found that hole. if you dont know, a mud dauber is possibly the scariest looking wasp you may ever see. they hunt black widows. apparently they rarely sting but i cant imagine how bad a sting from them would hurt. sometimes they manage to get in the house... and that is hell. i dont really mind the very few black widows i encounter because they stay out of my way and dont seem to do much... and dont fly in my face. conclusion: I HATE BEES
its phillip

its phillip

Audioholic Ninja
My boss just got canned. I'm really bummed. He was a great guy and this is some BS and now I'm sad and angry :(

I'm also concerned about my own future, but I don't think peons like myself register on anybody's radar :/


Audioholic Warlord
My Beyerdynamic DT880's have arrived :D
Sweet! :D

Now back to your regularly scheduled nonsense. :p

So the phils are back in their boxes and are sitting in the new digs and it makes me very sad. Especially since I'm now currently listening to television speakers and headphones instead. :mad:


Audioholic Slumlord
Sweet! :D
Now back to your regularly scheduled nonsense. :p
I just tried some of $500/bottle scotch and it's tasted basically like crap - very peaty - me not big fan of this, neither the owner of the bottle.
I hope the exclusivity of this bottle (don't ask me for name - I didn't care to know) gets warm feelings enought to justify the cost. Thou I don't feel particularly bad for him - he makes good living as high ranking lawyer


Audioholic Warlord
I just tried some of $500/bottle scotch and it's tasted basically like crap - very peaty - me not big fan of this, neither the owner of the bottle.
I hope the exclusivity of this bottle (don't ask me for name - I didn't care to know) gets warm feelings enought to justify the cost. Thou I don't feel particularly bad for him - he makes good living as high ranking lawyer
I'd rather have some Arnold Palmer anyways. Anything that can get described as peaty or earthy just ain't for me, not that I have any idea what that means in relation to something I would drink anyways :D


Audioholic Slumlord
I just tried some of $500/bottle scotch and it's tasted basically like crap - very peaty - me not big fan of this
Peaty Scotches have to be an acquired taste. I didn't care for the Lagavulin I tried a couple of times. Royal Salute was about the best Scotch I ever had the pleasure of drinking.

Unrelated and boring edit: my power went out yesterday for about 30 minutes and my rec'r reverted to the default settings. My D-Link router quit working. I tried unplugging it but evidently not for long enough. It wouldn't power on yesterday but it did today. That's good. I don't have to reconfigure the Verizon router to be a stand alone unit but I do have to find where I wrote down the settings for my rec'r.
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Audioholic Slumlord
Upon waking from my nap ... that's right, I already got one in ... I found an envelope with a key in it and a note asking me to contact this attorney that owns a handful of these condo's. He wants me to patch up and paint the walls of a living room down downstairs in A5. This is outstanding.


Audioholic Jedi
Upon waking from my nap ... that's right, I already got one in ... I found an envelope with a key in it and a note asking me to contact this attorney that owns a handful of these condo's. He wants me to patch up and paint the walls of a living room down downstairs in A5. This is outstanding.
Very cool! The work is just rolling in now.


Audioholic Slumlord
Unfortunately now I have to go do this thing ... a cup of coffee should help.

The good thing is that I'll have space to get my stuff sorted out.
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