Really Boring Stuff Only II: Return of the Boredom

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Audioholic Jedi
Alright, I know that I told her "no rush" on the pizza sauce, but three hours? It's dinner time.

And, no - I'm not going to call back. I just won't order from them for a long, long time. It's my way...


Audioholic Slumlord
I just rolled up $30 worth of ... dimes.
I bet you thought I was going to say p ... ennies. :D


Audioholic Slumlord
Adam peeked in on the forum but did not post this morning.

I hope everything is okay. :D


Audioholic Jedi
Adam peeked in on the forum but did not post this morning.

I hope everything is okay. :D
Yep. :D I checked on my phone as I was walking Niki. Got back and washed the car. While I was, I had the joy of my neighbor stomping over and asking me (in a way reminiscent of a child having a tantrum) if I was going to keep putting out bird seed. I told them that I had planned on it, and he then quite angrily asked if I'd clean the bird s**t off of the wall, b***ched a bit because another neighbor was there (as if it would garner him support), then trounced off.

To set the stage, I had cleaned the wall off about two days ago to be a good neighbor (even though birds were on that wall long before I put out seed). No mention of this by him, just as insinuation that I had never thought of doing it. This is also the neighbor that, just yesterday, I cleaned up part of his yard and raked it while I was cleaning my yard. No mention of that, either. So, am I thinking about not putting out seed to make him happy? Hmmm. This is also the neighbor that, 11.5 years ago when I asked if he'd consider not running his hot tub for 4-6 hours every night because I couldn't sleep, told me he wasn't going to change how he lived just because it bothered me and that I should consider wearing ear plugs.

I actually ran out of bird seed and wasn't sure if I was going to keep putting it out, but maybe it's time to go buy some more. :D


Audioholic Jedi
Speaking of being a good neighbor, as I was cleaning off the wall that borders another set of neighbors (ones that are really nice), I spooked a bird out of a tree and noticed that the tree was dropping leaves into their pool (and mesquite trees have a lot of very small leaves). So, after taking a quick break here, I'll be out back cutting down some large limbs to clear it away from their wall.


Audioholic Jedi
I just noticed that we have a member named "satan" who is private messaging right now. Can you imagine getting the notification that you have a new PM from satan? :eek: Well, probably no scarier than getting one from Alex. :D


Audioholic Spartan
Adam peeked in on the forum but did not post this morning.

I hope everything is okay. :D
He's busy using all four of his carpet cleaners.....his neighbor dumped a bag a bird seed all over his rug.



Audioholic Samurai
if I was going to keep putting out bird seed.

I actually ran out of bird seed and wasn't sure if I was going to keep putting it out, but maybe it's time to go buy some more. :D
From what I remember, you're feeding the birds to keep them from eating the grass seed and not because you like having birds around. If you do like having the birds around, one compromise may be to get a shepherd's poll, or or two, and a couple of $2.00 tube feeders. then they may not 'stage' on the wall.

Other than that, next time you wash the car have your gun strapped on. Maybe he'll be a little kinder and gentler.


Audioholic Jedi
Wow, that's a whole lot of tree. I probably have about 20-30 minutes left of clean up on the part of the tree that I thought needed trimmed...but as I was trimming, I noticed another section of roughly the same size that is also overhanging the wall - and it's tougher to get to.

Took a break to grab some orange juice, and then noticed that it's almost lunch time. The tree might just have to wait until this afternoon.


Audioholic Slumlord
I was doing something but needed my glasses and then I found myself here ... maybe that guy was right about this being the dumbest thread ever but just remember ... you read it here second. :D :p


Audioholic Jedi
I ate lunch, then fell asleep...for too long. Time to cut my hair, finish the tree, shower again, and get Niki out.
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