Really Boring Stuff Only II: Return of the Boredom

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Senior Audioholic
wow im up pretty late.... ive been on the wrong stuff this week. i like pass out every time i got home from school.... i need some of that stuff jamie was talking about having with yor coffee

yea im passi out now


Audioholic Slumlord
i need some of that stuff jamie was talking about
What you need is to stop listening to Jamie. Even though your brain isn't fully developed try to use what brain you do have and listen to me. Your brain isn't finished developing! You might want to keep it free from drugs (and alcohol) until it has had an honest chance finish growing. Do yourself this kindness. It will provide you with an edge that lasts a life time.

Read this.


Audioholic Jedi
Even though your brain isn't fully developed try to use what brain you do have and listen to me. Your brain isn't finished developing! You might want to keep it free from drugs (and alcohol) until it has had an honest chance finish growing. Do yourself this kindness. It will provide you with an edge that lasts a life time.

Read this.
I read this and felt like I'd woken up in the Twilight Zone :eek: ...or someone hacked Alex's account.

Well said, my man. And, so appropriate for a Saturday morning.



Audioholic Jedi
Time to take out the garbage and then head out for a walk with Niki. Later. And by "later," I mean about half an hour. Huh, maybe I should do something today...


Audioholic Slumlord
maybe I should do something today...
I'm thinking about striving for the exact opposite and the best way to do 'nothing' has got to be by sleeping. I'm going to go try that out.


Audioholic Samurai
I asked my wife she wanted to go see a baseball game today. She said that doesn't sound very fun or romantic. I said sure it is! I'll kiss you on the strikes and you can kiss me on the balls...She didn't find it nearly as amusing as I did.


Audioholic Samurai
I am highly jealous. It was 92 when I got up this morning and it will be 108 or so when I go home from work for the day. :(
:eek: Either you got up late, or it's hotter there than here. It was around 70 when I got up at 5:30am, it's 95 now, and it's supposed to hit 106-107 today.
I don't care if it is a 'dry' heat, that's too hot. I have a friend that lives in Glendale Az and he said was 111!


Audioholic Spartan
I'm thinking about striving for the exact opposite and the best way to do 'nothing' has got to be by sleeping. I'm going to go try that out.
I find it easier not to strive in either direction...too much work, all that striving and such.;)


Audioholic Jedi
My goals for the morning - mow the grass in the backyard and vacuum the rest of the front yard. No, no, I'm not talking about manscaping. :rolleyes: Although...


45 mins of HIIT on the Elliptical trainer wasn't as easy as I thought it was going to be...:rolleyes:


Audioholic Samurai
Did anyone else watch MXC? Yeah, me either.

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Audioholic Jedi
Broke down after four days and ordered two Papa John's pizzas (I ordered two to get above the new minimum order amount, so yeah, they won) - and there was almost no sauce on the pizza. I ordered both with extra sauce. So I called, told them that besides the sauce the pizza was excellent, and I wondered if they'd be willing to send over some pizza sauce packets for me to add myself. I'm glad that I was nice, because the girl that answered apparently made my pizza - she was also really nice and is sending more, but she said that she added extra sauce and it all has to be measured. I felt bad for questioning her, but I gotta say that I just don't believe that could be right. There's virtually zero sauce in the middle of the pizza. None. And I've ordered from them a lot in the past, so I unless they cut their sauce ration by over half, it just isn't right.


Audioholic Samurai
and there was almost no sauce on the pizza. I ordered both with extra sauce. .
Dude, that sucks.

I'm kind of on the other side of this. I just tried a new BBQ place. I ordered the rib tips and they were buried in sauce. It ruined the whole meal. I prefer dry rub and not sauced. Certainly not heavily sauced like these.


Audioholic Jedi
Thanks, man. Other than the sauce, it was good. Speaking of sauce...I wonder where it is. It's been almost two hours. They're probably spitting in it and resealing it. :rolleyes:

So, you don't like meat covered in sauce? Noted. I'll be sure to warn you next time. ;) :eek: :D
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