Greetings All,
First time user on here, normally post on other forums, Need some help from fellow professional audiophiles
I am a British living and working in Indonesia.
I am importing goods into Indonesia there for have to conduct research constantly and sometimes to buy stuff without listening to the AV Gear (Gambling). This is why I am in need for help most of the time on products I am interested in. As Shipping and Taxes often cost me an arm and leg.
I have in my Setup.
Processor Onkyo 5509
3 UPA -1 Mono Blocks
2 Seaton Subs
3 JTR triple 8 Sealed 2012 Version.
Room Size: 6 Meters by 6m
Acoustics: Grey Egg Foam all over the room to absorb the echoes from the walls and floor. The house contains white floor Tiles.
40% Music 60% Movies
In the near future am going to purchase the Danley Mini for the Rear Channels.
My Problem is Hiss from the Emotiva Amplifiers, The High Efficiency of the JTR is bringing out all the flaws of the amp straight through with the music. I can hear this at low and high passages during music play back. Its evidently audible even during movie play back. Its driving me nuts.
I am looking at the following 2 Amps
ATI 2007 or Earthquake Cinenova Grande 7
The ATI 2007 Specs can be easily be found the SNR is showing up as -123DB after some research few members have mentioned its dead quiet. Its pure balanced design and the power are sufficient. I’m not sure much about Sound quality.
The EQ Amps seems to have better rates on Distortion the higher you push the amp, The best thing about this is modular and if one or 2 of the channel dies out I can simply ship this back by post to Earthquake for repairs or exchange. However with the ATI believe they will request the whole amp to be shipped back. Considering the Amps weight this will prove to be an expensive ride if something goes wrong.
Has anyone compared both these amps and what are your opinions with Noise floor on both and sound quality including customer service?