Really Boring Stuff Only II: Return of the Boredom

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Audioholic Spartan
We'd better get out of here before the Boring Thread is closed down.:D
You guys might want to go back to talking about something your Alternative Life styles.

Just sayin
My life has no "style". I just bump along as best I can and hope not to f'k it up too badly.


Audioholic Jedi
My life has no "style". I just bump along as best I can and hope not to f'k it up too badly.
Unless you do something really major, most f**k ups can be fixed :)

I'm allergic to any shooting or anti shooting, what the hell is wrong with you guys..... we had 77 people killed by the devil..... and you make statements like this..........
I read through the whole transcript from courtcase here from 04.20 and it's probably the worst thing I ever saw, and again...... guns now will just be a too of the devil......................................

And you just embrace all this crap about everyone shoud have a gunfor himself

Guns have only one mission and it's not anything good about this..........
Guns can only kill people and there's been way too much killing of innocent young people that was unable to defend themselves
Tell me what's good about shooting towards people who can't defend thmselves

We heard transcript from a court case where it's talked about "follow-up shots" towards the head targeting a defenceless teenager that is lying unconscious, to make sure he dies.....
He said he had tpo go as close as required by the missiobn and then make the follow up-shot .......... nothing nore to say......

Your statements about guns makes me feel puke, you shoud be ashamed of yourselves, I'm really happy I don't live in the US.

well..... really sorry to live here where we have a police that totally screws up and don't even try to stop terrorists......

Now all you moderators over there can raise your red flags and ban me or whatever you want.... but it doesn't make a change because I'm proud of myself!
Here's the thing: This idiot who killed all those people is NOT a normal person. If he wants to kill people, it doesn't matter if he has a gun, a knife, a bomb or poison, he would have tried to do the same thing. I feel sympathy, shock and outrage over the incident also. NOTHING makes that right, but just because he used a gun doesn't mean guns are the problem. I have no problem with what you are saying at all.

I shoot targets, not people. Just because I enjoy shooting firearms does not mean I also intend to kill people. I drive a car and I enjoy driving it but I can easily kill people with it also if I decided to. I am not insane though.
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Audioholic Slumlord
Oh, I'm sure you are not even close to being done.:D
Thanks for the vote of confidence. :)

Right now I am eating a pear and tuna right out of the can with 12 almonds to be followed up with tea and honey. Tomorrow I am going in to (real) work for the first time this year. I've spent the day making trouble, sleeping and stretching. This is about as fit as I've ever been returning to work after a lay off and I'd really like for it to be an injury free first couple of days.

I gotta get my tools sorted out and do some shopping for lunch stuff. Now that I've seen what a difference diet makes in how I feel I'm going to use this know how to help me get past the transition from soft to rock hard ... sheet rock hard. :D


Audioholic Slumlord
And some of them are there because the state they were convicted [in] doesn't have capital punishment
Yet others are there because cops, prosecutors and legislators make laws, arrest and convict people for a living. If somebody ain't being locked up, what good are they? Having said that I am going into deep hiding.


Audioholic Field Marshall
That would be drankin' here in the south.
You changed your avatar...I don't know if I can handle that.:eek:

I guess that's what I get for only showing up once in a while. I think that projector post thing I did is the only somewhat useful post I have had in about a year. :D
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Senior Audioholic
i have several VERY small spiders on me right now. they are biting me every few seconds. they are the same color as my skin so i cant see them. this is NOT fun


Audioholic Spartan
Is there anybody out there?

(tap tap tap)

Is this thing on?


Audioholic Spartan
Unless you do something really major, most f**k ups can be fixed :)

Here's the thing: This idiot who killed all those people is NOT a normal person. If he wants to kill people, it doesn't matter if he has a gun, a knife, a bomb or poison, he would have tried to do the same thing. I feel sympathy, shock and outrage over the incident also. NOTHING makes that right, but just because he used a gun doesn't mean guns are the problem. I have no problem with what you are saying at all.

I shoot targets, not people. Just because I enjoy shooting firearms does not mean I also intend to kill people. I drive a car and I enjoy driving it but I can easily kill people with it also if I decided to. I am not insane though.
He looked to the Oklahoma bomber too, but couldn't manage to make a 6000lbs bomb as his driver's license didn't allow for him to rent such a big car, so he could only manage to transport an 1800lbs bomb to attack the government block....

anyways, whatever it is that comes out now is a series of self contradicting statements so bad that there is no point commenting those things...

What is scary though is that there are many support groups out there and that's the scary part.... it's more people like this....
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