I got my friend to bring his sub around, and it worked fine with the cable. What I have noticed on the back of the Emotiva when I play the test tone, the light goes green as soon as the test tone is played through the sub, but no sound. So it must be the sub. The bad thing is I am all the way in deep dark Africa. I guess I have to contact Emotiva next and see what they can do. I have had this sub for about 7 months now. This really sucks..
Thanks for all the advice guys. have a good weekend.
Since the light goes green on detecting a signal, the amp is likely fine.
Take the driver out of the sub. Make sure a connection has not fallen off the speaker or amp. If it has reconnect it. If the driver is connected take it out.
Now connect it to a 1.5 volt battery and make and break the connection. The cone should move forwards, and make a pop with each connect/disconnect. If it does not, then the driver is blown.
Are you in Equatorial Africa, by any chance, or an area of high humidity? If you are and the driver has blown, that is probably the reason.
Emotiva use paper cones. Paper coned drivers perform poorly in the tropics, especially if the voice coil former is paper which is often is with paper coned drivers.
If you are in the humid tropics, you need to select speakers with metal or plastic cones.
I live in the Minnesota Lake district, and living lakeside, humidity gets high in the summer despite air conditioning. I would never use a paper coned driver. I'm not keen on paper coned drivers anyway, as their performance varies too much with the weather. I know they are back in vogue, but I think it is a mistake.