Really Boring Stuff Only II: Return of the Boredom

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Audioholic Spartan
Originally Posted by GO-NAD!
Hey GMike, do have to wear earplugs?

Nah, that orange ball really muffles the sound.

Oh, wait...we're talking about me. :eek: :D
I must have missed a post. I'll be back after I do some more readying.:eek:

Edit: Nothing for me to add here. It was covered nicely already.


Senior Audioholic
It's quicker to use an old one :p

Well I write slow but type fast. And it takes most kids in my class about 30 secs to get out a piece of paper so its alot quicker for me. I can't imagine how fast it would be if it had an ssd.


Audioholic Jedi
I decided to take today off from work. I was feeling pretty worn down. No, not from the G-man. Or Alex. Or...

Feels good. Got to take Niki for a second walk, and hopefully she'll want to go out again after lunch. I mowed the grass this morning and then have been just relaxing.


Audioholic Field Marshall
The comcast guy is here trying to fix the cable... he started tugging on random wires and pulling things out of the receiver...

"uhhh the cable isn't plugged into the receiver..."

1 min later, still tugging

"oh it seems I was pulling on the wrong cable"



Audioholic Spartan
The comcast guy is here trying to fix the cable... he started tugging on random wires and pulling things out of the receiver...

"uhhh the cable isn't plugged into the receiver..."

1 min later, still tugging

"oh it seems I was pulling on the wrong cable"

Why do I get the feeling that this may take awhile?


Audioholic Field Marshall
Well it's over. It was a loose connection in the wall, which is weird because it was only the HD channels that were out. The guy said when it's loose, the radio signals in the area affect it.

He asked if my cat was "spoilt". I had no idea he meant spoiled until after he left lol.


Audioholic Slumlord
Well it's over. It was a loose connection in the wall, which is weird because it was only the HD channels that were out. The guy said when it's loose, the radio signals in the area affect it.

He asked if my cat was "spoilt". I had no idea he meant spoiled until after he left lol.
spoiled cat ?? :confused:;)



Audioholic Spartan
Funny story.

The wife and our 2 year old girl went to the Philippines for 3 weeks. While they were away, I built a swing set. It has a slide on it. I decided to Lemon Pledge the slide (as I would have liked someone to do for me if I was a kid). First time down the slide, she went so fast that the little bumps on it flung her into the air. She clunked back down on the slide and shot off the end of it like she was shot out of a canon. She hit the ground on her back and slid in a spread eagle for about 5 feet. When she stopped, she sat up, turned back to me and simply said, "Wow Daddy!"
Then she ran back up the stairs to do it again. But before she went down, she pointed to the ground where the slide ends and told me, "Stand there Daddy."
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