A fine movie if you're interested in the history of psychoanalysis...Freud and Jung battle it out for the soul of a troubled woman. Is her hysteria caused by sex or symbolism? They were ready to spend years analyzing her, but I guess today we'd just give her some psych meds and push her out the door to wander the streets eating from trash cans.
This movie is very old-school European, lots of talking, little or no action, lots of letter writing and staring off into the garden. Because I actually have some long past training in this stuff and because there are not many movies about psychoanalysis, I couldn't miss it, but my guess is that most people can.
The performances are somewhat interesting, the set and setting well done, but, it's just dull. Where we saw it a homeless guy bought a ticket and for a while regaled us with his horrific coughing and loud side comments and wisecracks about the movie, until he got kicked out. The movie was definitely better WITH the bum's comments; kinda like Mystery Sci Fi Theater 3000, except that he wasn't a robot. That doesn't say much about the movie.