Here's a link to the measurements section of the HomeTheater review of a mmgw / mmgc system. If you wanted an all Maggie system the mmgw might be what you'd want for surrounds with your mmg mains. You can see though that the bass of the mmgw and the mmgc starts to roll off pretty high. The mmgc has a -10db of 160 hz.
Magnepan MMG Speaker System Measurements | Home Theater
The original Magnepan User group site hasn't been updated in a long while, but still is a good resource for things Magnepan. It 'moved' to the Planar speaker Asylum and more current discussion is there. Just beware audio foolery.
You have a point here. I had forgotten that there is no bass module to go with the little MMGC, like there is with the CCR.
So for HT I think the MMG system is a bit of a mess on reflection.
You have to select subwoofer no on the receiver. You must have a receiver with pre outs. You must have a receiver that does not have a global crossover.
You have to set the mains to large and the crossover to the MMGC at 100 or higher. You must have a sub with buffered right and left inputs.
You have to connect the sub to the right and left main preouts and use the crossover in the sub, which likely needs crossing over closer to 160 Hz than 100 Hz. In that case you need to spec a sub with a frequency response to 320 Hz which would be a rare animal. At those frequencies 2 subs would be mandatory, or the system would be unbalanced.
I see a couple of problems with this for HT. I think running small planar speakers full range in HT is asking for trouble.
The next issue the low frequency effects are not used, and this will bypass the effects flags.
All this is going to blow his budget. I don't think you can put together an audiophile 5.1 system for 2K. If he wants quality for now he will be limited to 2.0.
The OP seems to like planar speakers over monopoles, and quite a few people do.
In which case he should move up from the MMG and go with one of the higher end Magnaplanar systems, so he can use their CCR system for the center. This center is a two box system and may make TV integration difficult.
Quad maintain their electrostatics perform well as HT speakers, and say a center should never be used, and to use a phantom center.
Magnaplanar say their speakers do not work well without a center.
However the Quad ESL is a very unusual planar, with timed delays built into the diaphragm so the membrane does not move as a unified front but as ripples, to make a dipolar spherical radiation pattern. This really cuts down the beaming. In my view Quad ESLs are easily the best planars available, but well outside the OPs budget.
I don't think it is worth the expense to put together an HT system round the MMGs unfortunately.
I guess the OP should listen to some good monopoles, and also other Magnaplanars.
I generally find people at first go round who are attracted to planar speakers are discriminating and highly intolerant of faults far too prevalent in the vast majority of speakers on offer.
So unfortunately the OP is going to have conflict between desires, preferences and budget.