I generally find people at first go round who are attracted to planar speakers are discriminating and highly intolerant of faults far too prevalent in the vast majority of speakers on offer.
So unfortunately the OP is going to have conflict between desires, preferences and budget.
I think you hit the nail on the head with these 2 sentiments. Those MMGs just grabbed me in a way other speakers don't. I am almost afraid to listen to the better Maggies because I think I will get more hooked!
As a sidebar, I need to start telling my wife I am "highly discriminating" she prefers the term "picky jerk.." and as expected, can't fathom my obsession with getting a good system!
Budget is going to have to prevail, so I will get back to the drawing board. Need to invest a few more Saturday afternoons in listening and more time looking for used stuff. It gets time-consuming as the audiophile stores are so much less prevalent than big box. Even the better large retailers are not set up ideally for listening.
I now have a better sense of the limitations of planars in an HT setup, so may be time find a good alternative or stay with 2.0.
Thanks again