Really Boring Stuff Only II: Return of the Boredom

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Audioholic Jedi
Well, I didn't make it to the market. I got ready, headed to the car with Niki (I'm pretty sure that dogs are allowed there - it's outdoors), but then she decided that she'd rather walk around our neighborhood than go for a ride. Oh, well. I don't really eat eggs...I'm just curious about the pastured ones.


Audioholic Ninja
There's a picture of Doug without a shirt on on facebook. That makes me pretty happy.

What pisses me off is sentences that require the same word to be next to itself.

There's a picture on facebook of Doug without a shirt on...

Haha, when I was typing that I accidentally typed "Dough". I had to backspace out the "H".

I could use a drink


Full Audioholic
Hand washed a couple of cars in the driveway in just above freezing temps. That's dedication :)


Audioholic Jedi
So, I haven't bought any eggs in months. Same for any dairy products. I've been trying to educate myself on which animal products to buy based on humane treatment of the animals. I came across an article today on caged versus cage free versus free range chickens, and I'm pretty sure that unless I raise the chickens, I'm not going to have any freaking idea how the chickens are handled because there aren't any farms near me that I could go see.

Long story slightly shorter...I decided to buy eggs at Safeway today. I walk down there, round the corner to the egg section, and...the entire section (and only that section) is walled off from floor to ceiling! No eggs to be seen anywhere. It's a sign, I tell you.


Audioholic Ninja

Check out this video from a buddy of mine..
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Audioholic Overlord
I wonder what Zumbo drinks. I'd like me some of that.
Oh my this may not end well.

Hand washed a couple of cars in the driveway in just above freezing temps. That's dedication :)
Yeah that's cold in Texas it doesn't get down there too often thankfully.

I came across an article today on caged versus cage free versus free range chickens, and I'm pretty sure that unless I raise the chickens.
Stop reading. Problem solved. ;)

You do realize chickens need protection, food, and drop other things besides eggs. Growing food is a messy business.

If you start raising chickens you will be saying ****


Audioholic Jedi
If you start raising chickens you will be saying ****
Hence, my decision to go buy some. :)

I don't think that I could pull off raising chickens in my back yard. It's a cookie-cutter neighborhood, and the yards aren't very big. That, and it wouldn't last long once Niki realized that they tasted like chicken... :D


Audioholic Samurai
So, I haven't bought any eggs in months.

eggs at Safeway today. I walk down there, round the corner to the egg section, and...the entire section (and only that section) is walled off from floor to ceiling! No eggs to be seen anywhere. It's a sign, I tell you.
I like eggs.

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post 5 yay!:D I apologize in advance exploiting this thread for my own selfish agenda. :)
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