Think I may have come up w/ a solution to at least part of my dilema. I'll move the center to below the tv. Then I have to make an inset door where the lower arrow points and build a shelf for my receiver. The door will be on a spring loaded magnet and open down. When it's closed it'll be hard to tell the door's even there. I just have to figure out where to put the dvd player. This will be a lot of work because I rebuilt the center section of that wall unit when we first bought the house (the original one was ugly as sin, wish I had a pic!) and it's put together very well, a lot of glue.
Also, seriously considering the Swopes just based on what I've heard from others. I can get all the components for the 5 speakers- fronts, center, and rears- to build these for $520. A tiny bit more than the Zaphs but not much. Would this be a better option than going w/ the Zaph 5.3c??