Just picked it up from the shop yesterday and it works perfectly now.
I did have a little bit of trouble re-installing it, at first. As some of you may know, I had this amp routed through a DCX2496 to cross over with my in-ceiling subwoofers. Well, I tested the amp without going through the DCX at first - worked fine. When I re-routed through the DCX, everything went south.

I was getting full-range through the subs and sound from only one main.

It took me a while to sort it out. I had left the DCX unplugged for the last couple of weeks and I guess it lost its settings. Just great.

I remember it taking a while to figure out the setup the first time I installed it.
Well, that was a couple of years ago. And for me, it's not easy to remember to put on underwear every morning. So, it was like I'd never touched a DCX before. I got the manual out and like last time, getting started was a bit confusing. Then I remembered that I'd printed Haoleb's tutorial on setting it up and that it made the job so much easier. Hmmmm, now where'd I leave that?

I'd been trying to do setup through the
inputs and couldn't find the right pages or parameters for doing so. Finally found the tutorial and everything clicked.

Setup is done through the
outputs! Why didn't I remember that!? The rest was easy then....
Anyway, I'm back in business and man, did I miss using my system.

I had a temp for a couple of weeks at first, but the last couple weeks required the laptop and crappy computer speakers. I didn't have it on much...