Really Boring Stuff Only II: Return of the Boredom

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Audioholic Jedi
...and since a year or so ago, it's been legal to carry a gun concealed even without a permit.
I should add, that's why I'm more interested in carrying while walking Niki. I would like something just in case, but I don't want to freak people out (any more than my normal appearance does...). Although legal to carry here, it's pretty rare to see people with them out in the open.


Audioholic Spartan
It's sad that pirates has made Volvo Ocean Race into this.........
Volvo Ocean Race 2011-2012 | Stealth Zone information

As part of the anti-piracy measures introduced for Leg 2 from Cape Town to Abu Dhabi and Leg 3 to Sanya, China the boats will enter a ‘Stealth Zone’ on their way to the secret safe haven port.

Race organisers have introduced a series of security measures because of the threat of pirates operating in a vast area off the coast of Somalia.

The boats are currently heading towards a safe haven port, where they will be loaded onto a ship for transportation through the worst affected waters and on to a point off the Sharjah coast, where they will resume racing to Abu Dhabi.

For reasons of security, the identity of the loading port is not being disclosed, which is why the Stealth Zone has been implemented.

While the fleet is in the Stealth Zone, race fans will still be able to follow the teams’ progress relative to each other via the official website race tracker, although individual boats’ headings will be distorted and the weather layer will be disabled.

Media Crew Members will send back multimedia content as normal and the race editorial team will continue to post stories on the website every day.

The race App will not display any information other than the ranking while the boats are in the Stealth Zone in the first stage of Leg 2 and the second stage of Leg 3 but will function normally for the sprint sections in and out of Abu Dhabi.


Audioholic Jedi
It's sad that pirates has made Volvo Ocean Race into this.........
I think that they should have kept that a secret (but still done it to keep the real racers safe) and sent out other decoy boats along the race route full of special forces to just kill the *%&^ers if they tried to attack them.


Audioholic Spartan
I think that they should have kept that a secret (but still done it to keep the real racers safe) and sent out other decoy boats along the race route full of special forces to just kill the *%&^ers if they tried to attack them.
it's probably a secret that it's a secret ;)


Audioholic Spartan
It's bedtime over here now.... remember we are so far ahead of you guys over there in the US, you are so far behind us :p


Audioholic Jedi
UPS just showed up and delivered one of the two packages that were "out for delivery" this morning.

Luckily, I got the new knife as opposed to the air filters. :D If they had to pick one to bring, that's the one!

Oh, and yeah...this is the effing coolest paring knife I've ever seen.
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