Really Boring Stuff Only II: Return of the Boredom

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Audioholic Jedi
Do you remember where Andrew ordered his coffee from?
No. I just did a quick search and didn't find it, either. I could look more - but I know that you can use the search function. :p

I miss that guy. I had forgotten about the threads on cooking. That was some good stuff.


Audioholic Jedi
Eh, searched again...still nothing. He talks about ordering online, but I can't find a reference to a specific place. I did come across this, which I now think needs to go on FB. :D


Audioholic Slumlord
I know that you can use the search function.
Eh, searched again...
I appreciate it. I need to dig up his email addy anyways. jledka (sp?) is also a coffee geek super hero. I use to like Dunkin Donuts. Pfff ... all is lost. The burden of enlightenment is oppressive. Drinking Budweiser in the morning was so much easier. It was always fresh, the perfect temperature and already in a container that was recyclable so that when you pitched the empty can out the car window it was only a matter of time before somebody picked it up. How the f^%& you top that ?!?

For the most part I'm good with 50% Maxwell House and 50% Cafe Bustelo in the drip brewer but my girl is put off by my preference for strong coffee and I wanted to find something more convenient and cheaper than the Whole Foods $12-$15/lb limited selection.


Full Audioholic
The thing that Alex and I were discussing on FB is the AeroPress. It only makes one cup at a time, but it's good coffee. I (and others) use an alternate technique that a member here pointed us towards years ago. It's like a miniature french press, but it uses paper filters that work great with preground bagged coffee.
Unfortunately, I'm too lazy to deal with paper filters. The Tassimo is terribly environmentally unfriendly, but I only use it on the weekend since I'm the only one at home who drinks coffee. I drive gas guzzling V8's as well, but I'm a car guy and can't compromise in that area. At least I recycle everything I possibly can and have a composter in the backyard. I figure that's my contribution to a lower carbon footprint.

Me, :D
You guys are lucky because you can buy so much more stuff at a reasonable price in the US, often with free shipping. Shipping across the border to Canada often incurs extra costs like duty and if the company only ships via UPS, we get raped on extra charges from UPS. sucks compared to


Audioholic Jedi
Unfortunately, I'm too lazy to deal with paper filters.
Ahhh, but maybe not with the AeroPress. They are little circular discs that fit into the plastic cap. Very easy and quick to put in, and they pop out with the coffee grinds into the trash or compost pile (I'm guessing that they'd compost...but I don't know). But, it would still take longer than the Tassimo. sucks compared to
No argument there. :) I've looked for stuff there before when it's not on the U.S. site, and the selection is so much smaller.


Audioholic Ninja
I'm tire shopping today- but only for 1. Imagine my disgust putting a spare on at 3am this morning after working late. The obscure size isn't helping. :mad::mad::mad:


Audioholic Jedi
I'm tire shopping today- but only for 1. Imagine my disgust putting a spare on at 3am this morning after working late. The obscure size isn't helping. :mad::mad::mad:
That sucks. I mean that. No fun to have to put on a spare, but at 3am?! After working?!? Uggg.

I guess the silverlining is that your 30's are bound to start off better than your 20's are ending. :)


Audioholic Jedi
Here's the tea that I got yesterday.

I'm used to having tea with just some agave nectar, but this stuff was kind of nauseating (with or without the nectar). With 53 bags left, I decided to try it with the french vanilla creamer that I use in coffee - I can stomache it now.


Audioholic Field Marshall
I bought a tie from Men's Wearhouse today. I've been eyeing it for a while, but didn't want to buy it for $60. All ties are $20 until the end of the day ;)



Audioholic Spartan
I'm tire shopping today- but only for 1. Imagine my disgust putting a spare on at 3am this morning after working late. The obscure size isn't helping. :mad::mad::mad:
In SC isn't it a law that your vehicle must have at least one mismatched tires?
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Audioholic Jedi
I bought a tie from Men's Wearhouse today. I've been eyeing it for a while, but didn't want to buy it for $60. All ties are $20 until the end of the day ;)

:D J/K (NTTAWWT)! That's a nice tie. I bought a bunch of business attire from them earlier this year.
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