Emotiva mini-X a-100 Stereo Flex Amp Preview



Audioholic Ninja
Then you might as well build a receiver. Those options would require processing and a pre amp stage.
If push comes to shove a buyer could always plug the subwoofer into their sound card and let the sound card handle bass management. It would require balancing the speaker and sub output levels and then never using the volume knob again. After all you can always adjust volume via the computer. Music playback in an office or home-office is really the only place that I'd use one. An optical input and bass management would just make life easier for the average Joe.


Full Audioholic
emotiva should market this as a companion to an apply TV... sort of like a sono system. just add your favorite bookshelf speakers, and you have all your music at your beck 'n call.


Audioholic Warlord
This unit is about simplicity and design and to minimize the amount of boxes you have. The way I see this, if this unit is going into for instance a bedroom system or somewhere else like that, it must be clean and with a minimum set of cables and boxes.

I don't see this as much as a first system but second and third system for affectionados like you can find around here ;)

I guess this amp may most often be connected simply to a PC or a squeezebox or another type of streaming player... the dac question is not so imminent in this case, but design could be improved.... If Emotiva at a stage would release a streaming player with the exact same design.... then there would be even more of a killer system, if this streaming player also can do videos, then we do have a bedroom system that does many good things (except for 5.2 but there must be some limitations somewhere) :D

So Emotiva guys, will you think of a multi player in same design? (must be as user friendly as a squeezebox though)


Audioholic Slumlord
Emotiva's own speakers are designed to be powered by more than your average joe's amp, So I guess that a pair of Emotiva bookshelfs (like XRM-6.1) plus this amp could make this a decent bedroom/office audio system
Ofcourse than means using dac somewhere higher in the chain - ie iPhone built-in dac using line-out with some simple cradle.


The Dayton APA150 offers more power and a built-in crossover for $60 less, albeit in a taller form factor.

I have the Emotiva version of the Dayton amp (BPA-1), and it's great for powering a Sonos zone (ZP-90). The amp is in the attic, so I don't care what it looks like, but the auto-on feature is awesome for this application.


Audioholic Jedi
PE also offers a full line of small digital amps, each with a different set of features mentioned here. None of them will have the same kind of real power like this one most likely will, since the most powerful is only ~50x2@ 4Ohms, so it kind of depends on one's real needs.


Audioholic Warlord
The Dayton APA150 offers more power and a built-in crossover for $60 less, albeit in a taller form factor.

I have the Emotiva version of the Dayton amp (BPA-1), and it's great for powering a Sonos zone (ZP-90). The amp is in the attic, so I don't care what it looks like, but the auto-on feature is awesome for this application.
The Dayton only contains a low-pass filter, so you cannot then use it to power your satellite speakers and cut the bass....


The Dayton only contains a low-pass filter, so you cannot then use it to power your satellite speakers and cut the bass....
Well, this Emotiva doesn't have a crossover of any kind, so neither amp has the high-pass filter you mention.

I'm just reminding everyone that the Dayton has nearly the same power output and MORE features (lowpass, bridgeable) for significantly less $. It is just a taller form factor and doesn't glow blue. They are probably made in the same Tonewinner factory and most likely share many internal parts.


Audioholic Warlord
It's what I said, they don't have high pass filters!

most likely share many internal parts.
Why do you think this?
These amps are probably quite different, or at least it's my guess....

I really don't like that the Dayton has a fan... A fan is not good.....

And the Emotiva is a thousand times cooler :p


Again, I'm only speculating on shared components/manufacturer between the Dayton and this Emotiva. This assumption is not a stretch by any means, since the precursor to the Emotiva Mini-X A-100 was the BPA-1, which is a clone of the Dayton AP150 (with a different front panel and volume knob).

Emotiva was an OEM supplier long before they sold internet direct, so there are lots of audio components floating around that differ only cosmetically from the equivalent Emotiva product, all made in the same Chinese factory. Tonewinner is the name of the Chinese company that manufactures all of Emotiva's stuff now, although it may have been someone else that made the Dayton APA150/Emo BPA-1.

Customers are initially drawn to Emotiva for their high value, so when another product beats them on value, it's noteworthy. Especially when it's very likely that said product was designed by Emotiva engineers anyway (as is likely the case with the Dayton APA150).

If space is really a premium and you HAVE to have the glowy blue bits, then this Emotiva is the product for you. If you want the same amp with more features (bridgeable and built-in lowpass filter) for about 40% less $, then get the Dayton.


Audioholic Overlord
Knock knock...

Who's there?


And look, it's got a remote control plenty of inputs (granted no USB or SPDIF, but it's got a phono stage!). Let's not forget how cool it looks!:D

Unfortunately they don't make it anymore thought. The TEAC A-H01 is their current model and uses some derivative of class D for power. It has a USB input, street price approximately $500


Audioholic Warlord
You also had the Norwegian made Tandberg Troll that was made ages ago. (around the turn of the milennium).....



Audioholic Overlord
The Teac is 4 ohm stable as well. It's rated to deliver 50 watts x 2 @ 8 ohms and 80 watts x 2 @ 4 ohms. Pretty cool kit.

Troll, yeah, it definitely looks like a troll.


Wow I just love the looks of that Teac unit!! Really a cool piece of gear.


Audioholic Overlord
At the risk of peddling my own stuff, I have a Teac A-H500 for sale. I'll make a special Audioholic's concession price of $200. It comes with remote & manual.


Junior Audioholic
sub out would make this unit killer. I would buy it in a heartbeat.


Same for that little Pioneer A35R int amp


Junior Audioholic
sub out would make this unit killer. I would buy it in a heartbeat.


Same for that little Pioneer A35R int amp
Why not connect the sub using high level inputs when using stereo?

If you dont have high level in, you can use a converter like this
Less than £4

Search for "line level converter" or "speaker to line level converter".
Ones with a level control are easiest to setup right.

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