Subwoofer Choice Help



Audioholic Intern
I am having trouble picking the right subwoofer for my great room. Below is my specs on both my room size and layout, and my audio equipment:

Great Room 25'Lx22'Wx9'Cieling. It is also open on one side to my kitchen, it is a really big room. I have a built in cabinet on the width length wall, with felt doors for two subs if needed, so the subs will be inside the cabinet.

I have an Onkyo TX-NR809 receiver powering Speakercraft AIM7-Three's in a 7.1 set up. I listen to a good mixture of music and movies probably 50/50. I currently have a Canton AS100SC sub, which I know is not adequate, but it was left over from an old system.

I am looking for either a combo of two subs, or one subwoofer. I am not a crazy audiophile, and dont need anything elaborate, just one that sounds good, and provides really good bass for my size room. I am partial to Velodyne, but open to any. Want to keep the budget under $2k if possible.



Audioholic Overlord
I am having trouble picking the right subwoofer for my great room. Below is my specs on both my room size and layout, and my audio equipment:

Great Room 25'Lx22'Wx9'Cieling. It is also open on one side to my kitchen, it is a really big room. I have a built in cabinet on the width length wall, with felt doors for two subs if needed, so the subs will be inside the cabinet.

I have an Onkyo TX-NR809 receiver powering Speakercraft AIM7-Three's in a 7.1 set up. I listen to a good mixture of music and movies probably 50/50. I currently have a Canton AS100SC sub, which I know is not adequate, but it was left over from an old system.

I am looking for either a combo of two subs, or one subwoofer. I am not a crazy audiophile, and dont need anything elaborate, just one that sounds good, and provides really good bass for my size room. I am partial to Velodyne, but open to any. Want to keep the budget under $2k if possible.

Does it need to be small?

Funky Waves

Elemental Designs: Car Stereo, Home Speakers, Electronics

SVSound - Box Subwoofers

JTR Speakers*|* Captivator 1000

I'd suggest a single sub given the budget. Just use the crawl test to place it. This is just the tip of the iceberg. So many great subs can be had for 2k.
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Audioholic Slumlord
One SVS PB-13 Ultra or Dual Rythmic Audio FV15 for better in room modes control and better work for each sub means less chance of amp overheating for extended music playback

I think the best way would be to contact Rythmic directly and ask them to advice and a quote
Contact Rythmik Audio


Audioholic Intern
It does not need to be that small, the cabinet it will sit in is 23"H x 20"W x 30" D. I could go either way with this, one fairly expensive good sub, or two cheaper ones, my concern here is filling the space I have, and which option will work best.

If I can do this for less than $2k its ideal, for example if two Velodyne DLS5000R's will do the trick for roughly 1200-1300 bucks I would be happier. But if there is a big advantage with a different sub, or combo of subs I would be ok spending the extra coin.


Audioholic General
Hands down if i were you id buy Dual Hsu VTF-3 MK4 subs at $699. Ea

Those will fit perfectly in each cabinet spot. You'd need to have the ports facing out of the cabinet. The locations of the cabinet spots may not be the best areas in the room for the subs. So i would highly recommend a sub EQ system to get the best performance out of them. This would put you right at 2K. There are a few different EQ systems out there for subs such as one from SVS & Velodyne. You just plug them in & follow the on screen directions. I dont have experience with either but others can chime in on a good option.

This setup will give you EXCELLENT results. Youd have dual 12" subs that are designed by Dr. Hsu himself. The new models can be ran in different ported or sealed modes depending on room dimensions & taste. The driver is down firing but you would point the ports out of the cabinet toward your seat.

This is one great option for you & keeping you either under budget or right at your budget depending on which EQ system you may get.

Go to HSU Research website for more info. They ship directly to your home.


Audioholic General
If you dont put the subs in the cabinet then you have more options, possibly better ones too. Placement of the sub/s elswhere in the room could give you better response. The previous recommendation was assuming that the cabinet placement was for sure.

I was going to recommend the Outlaw LFM-1 EX but the ports are down firing as wellmas the driver.

Other great brands of course:
LAVA (just kidding!)


Audioholic Intern
Unfortunately the "boss" would prefer not to see them, and since this is a great room and a place we entertain in, i can understand her concern. I know its not an ideal location being inside the cabinet, but have to make the best of the situation.

I notice no reference to any Velodyne product, i know they make nice products, but are their lower end lines overpriced for their performance?


Audioholic General
Velodyne is a very respected name & they make some incredible subs for sure!

However, performance per $ is not what these InternetDirect sub companies offer. Velodyne just this year started selling direct from their site. But still, their prices are not as good as these others for what you get.

Velodyne has become a name & you pay for that. But once the subs are tucked i to your cabinet, lights are down & movie is playing, whats more important? The badge on the sub or the bass your hearing & feeling? Answer is easy right? :)

I do love their DD+ series but even if i had that money in hand id go with a different brand.

Ok now that its confirmed that the subs are going in the cabinet, definately look at the VTF-3MK4!!! i was gonna recommend dual VTF-15h (i own one & LOVE it) but the height of it is i think 26" making it too big for the cabinet. Next best thing is the VTF3/4. Very musical subs yet are ready to pound when called upon :)

The new SVS PB-12NSD is $1000 & is another great option. But with tax & shipping you'd be well over $2200-$2300. I dont know the dimensions of it either but im guessing that it'd fit. It is both front firing & front ported which would be good for tucking in a cabinet.

Bottom line, both the SVS PB-12 NSD & the HSU VTF-3/4 are KILLER choices. If you can swing a few more hundred bucks then dual 12NSDs are an option but staying at budget with dual VTF3/4s WITH a sub EQ would actually probably give you better results. Believe me, once you get a nice Flat response with your subs you cant go back to unequalized sound!! It just sounds clean, tight, full.......just....right ya know!


Audioholic General
Junior19 i JUST saw that your in SoCal!! Dude, HSU Research is in Anaheim. They have a great demo room & if you call them Pete will spend time with you, give you a demo & possibly work out a deal if you buy 2. Plus you'd save on shipping which would REALLY put you under budget. You could even add an MBM-12 behind your couch for that mid-bass slam we all love!

OK the MBM may be overdoing it haha. But youd really have. Lot extra to spend wisely.

Just wanted to give you that extra info once i saw where you live. Im in Whittier so if you ever want a demo of a VTF-15h paired up with an MBM-12 id be down to give you a listen, serious!


Audioholic Intern
I live out in Corona, but them being close is a definate bonus, thanks for the info, I will look their address up and maybe make a trip over there to check them out!


Audioholic General
Thats funny, i work in Corona all the time. I should have takin notice when you said you have all SpeakerCraft AIM in-ceiling speakers. All the homes i work in out there have those installed by the builder. I do insurance home repairs so i travel around a lot for the co. I work for. Those are nice sounding speakers when set up right!

Those AIMs should be crossed over a little higher than the typical 80hz. Try between 90hz to maybe 120hz max. But at least you'll have your subs up front so they wont get localizable.

FYI: HSU is off the 91fwy & Kramer Blvd near the Camelot.


Audioholic Intern
I have used the AIM's in a lot of installs, I used to be a custom installer for a local company about 6 years ago, before the HDMI/Blu-ray days. The sound out of the AIM's with my Onkyo is really good, I used the Audyssey system to calibrate my system, and it set the crossover to 50hz for my AIM's. I have left it there for now, as my sub is almost non-existant at this point. Finally getting the chance to build my own custom system in my own house has been a lot of fun, whole house audio is next now that the home theater is just about done.


Audioholic Overlord
If they are going into a cabinet make very sure you line the cabinet and use an isolation pad of some kind. We want to keep as much cabinet vibration sound out as possible. There are a lots of ways to do this. It may be some trial and error until you get something that works.


Audioholic General
Actually the SVS PB-12NSD is $769 with free shipping so that may work better for your cabinet since it is front firing & front ported. My only concern with the HSU is that it is down firing. The review i thought said it was $1000 but since its under $800 with shipping, the SVS may be a better choice for you.

Whichever sub you choose, Isiberian is correct, it is a must that you at least place a Subdude or Gramma under each one. I would also go to a foam store & have pieces of dense foam cut to surround the sub inside the cabinet to minimize vibrations!!

I found a foam store in Bellflower & made my own platforms out of the exact same materials Auralex uses. What would have cost me $140 for 2 platforms was only $58 in materials. Plus i got to make each platform the EXACT size i needed & used a custom vinyl so they are easy to wipe off.


Audioholic Overlord
Whichever sub you choose, Isiberian is correct, it is a must that you at least place a Subdude or Gramma under each one. I would also go to a foam store & have pieces of dense foam cut to surround the sub inside the cabinet to minimize vibrations!!
I wouldn't say they are required though I do love my Great Gamma. If he's buying SVS he won't need to line the internal cabinets. I've seen the insides and those things come lines with Fiber already.

I do recommend lining the cabinet it's going into. I'd suggest peel-n-seal but removing it is impossible. I do know it works well in cars, but I've never tested it for this type of thing. You can get foam at home depot for pretty cheap and I'd certainly consider giving that a try.


Audioholic General
Haha no i wasnt saying to open up the subwoofer to put foam inside the enclosure. I was saying to put each sub on a subdude or gramma, then place foam around the sub enclosure, between the sub & the cabinet its going into. Sorry i didnt make that clear. Both the HSU & the SVS will come from the factory with internal padding or foam.

The internal padding is there to improve the sound of the sub. The foam im suggesting will help minimize vibrations of the cabinet it is setting inside.


Audioholic Intern
Thanks guys for the info, I was already a little concerned with the vibration, so the foam thing was already a thought, since we used to do that with our old installs in cabinets.

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