Velodyne is a very respected name & they make some incredible subs for sure!
However, performance per $ is not what these InternetDirect sub companies offer. Velodyne just this year started selling direct from their site. But still, their prices are not as good as these others for what you get.
Velodyne has become a name & you pay for that. But once the subs are tucked i to your cabinet, lights are down & movie is playing, whats more important? The badge on the sub or the bass your hearing & feeling? Answer is easy right?
I do love their DD+ series but even if i had that money in hand id go with a different brand.
Ok now that its confirmed that the subs are going in the cabinet, definately look at the VTF-3MK4!!! i was gonna recommend dual VTF-15h (i own one & LOVE it) but the height of it is i think 26" making it too big for the cabinet. Next best thing is the VTF3/4. Very musical subs yet are ready to pound when called upon
The new SVS PB-12NSD is $1000 & is another great option. But with tax & shipping you'd be well over $2200-$2300. I dont know the dimensions of it either but im guessing that it'd fit. It is both front firing & front ported which would be good for tucking in a cabinet.
Bottom line, both the SVS PB-12 NSD & the HSU VTF-3/4 are KILLER choices. If you can swing a few more hundred bucks then dual 12NSDs are an option but staying at budget with dual VTF3/4s WITH a sub EQ would actually probably give you better results. Believe me, once you get a nice Flat response with your subs you cant go back to unequalized sound!! It just sounds clean, tight, full.......just....right ya know!