Yeah those sales that Outlaw has are a hilariously good deal, nothing else even comes close to touching that kind of bang for the buck. On the AVSforum, it looks like a lot of guys are waiting for a similar deal on black friday, however, they might be disappointed. If I remember correctly, last black friday, the deal was free shipping and half off the wireless adapter instead of a super duper discount.
A note about the part of the review where Ricci states,
...slight amount of peaking at the port tuning. This indicates that the subwoofer could use either a little less enclosure volume for this tuning which would lower the efficiency at port tuning flattening out the peak. This would in turn require longer ports to achieve the same tuning range, or that the driver attributes could be tweaked a little to compensate.
I think it's worth noting how the VTF3 mk3 and LFM-1 EX, often said to be almost identical subwoofers, differ in this respect. The VTF3 has much more port volume; its ports not only have a larger diameter but also bend around in the cabinet for a much longer run. This can be seen in
Audioholic's review of the VTF3, from where these pics come from:
To Josh Ricci: do you think these larger ports address that peaking at port tuning?
I don't know how Outlaw and Hsu exactly collaborated in designing the LFM subs, but I have to wonder how and why these changes from the VTF subs came about, since they are so similar in many other respects. Did Outlaw want them for aesthetic reasons? Did Hsu want them just for the sake of maintaining some uniqueness and not having a complete clone on the market? I know the answer to those questions are probably only known to Hsu and Outlaw, I am just speculating.
Another question I have is how would mic tests would have differed with the LFM-1 sub in its normal orientation on its feet? I understand that won't have much difference in room, I am just curious how that would have affected ground plane measurements.
Oh yeah, another question for Ricci: a criticism that has been sometimes levied against the Outlaw subs is that there is not enough clearance from the ground for the driver and ports. Do you think this affects their performance in any notable way or is a legitimate point at all? Also, great review, thanks, and I'm looking forward to more like this!