The remastered Universal monsters from the 30's
I grew up watching Frankenstein, Dracula, The Mummy, Wolfnaman and all their spin-offs on Saturday morning TV and with Zacherlys clowning around. Even with the cuts, Commcrcials, and the hosts' interjections they were enthralling.
A few years ago I caught the remastered Frankenstein and Dracula.These were uncut, cleand up and given a SOTA remaster treatment. It was a revelation!
It was a totally different experience than the movies I saw on TV as a kid.
The multitude of shades of grey and cinemetograpny in use at the time were stunning. The movie makers at the time really knew how to maximize the use on monochrome. The B&W actually added to the eerieness of the movies and the continuity without commercials made for a wonderful experience.