wondering if any of you Audiophiles can help me with this issue...
I was playing the subwoofer really loud (maximum) for a long time... lol... I started smelling some burning rubber or something, but I kept playing it because a bunch of my friends were there and I didn't want to kill the party (bad call, I know).
After a bit of time, something on the subwoofer started SMOKING! Lol.
Note: Even though it was smoking, the sound/sub was still playing. The only time the sound stopped is when I unplugged it.
At that point I unplugged all of the cables / everything and let it rest.
This morning, I plugged it back in, and switched the power on... The LED light turned GREEN - indicating that it was on.
However, no sound was being played from the subwoofer. Sound was being played from the speaker that I outputted from the subwoofer to.
Please help... I'll owe you one if you can figure this out lol.
Is it just a blown fuse or something? :/
/Thanks in advance.