eDesign lists a 4.5 cu foot sealed enclosure with a non-eq'd 22-100hz extension +/- 3dB.
The RMS with both voice coils is 1100 watts.
The 3 db point of that enclosure is 70 Hz. With the correct power, then that driver will deliver a whopping 124 db.
Now the output at 18 Hz is identical for the sealed and vented alignment.
4.5 cu.ft is optimal for sealed with an ideally situated Q.
Unequalized the output of the vented and sealed alignment is identical at 18 Hz which is 106 db.
However you have plenty of room to Eq the sealed alignment. With 12 db per octave boost starting at 100 Hz and a high pass filter somewhere between 20 and 25 Hz you have an awesome sub.
After running both alignments, I think the sealed alignment is the much more intelligent choice for that driver.
Now I know the power, then the vent needs to be 3.5" X 12" X 29. This gives a vent velocity of 18 m/sec.