Really Boring Stuff Only II: Return of the Boredom

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Audioholic Spartan
I remember you mentioning that those were super comfortable. I just thought that nature had made you give up on the Jesus hair cut but you weren't giving up the Jerusalem footwear. I now see my mistake. These are not regular sandals at all. I stumbled upon them in the clearance rack of a Bob's Store.
They have a few different model lines, I've never tried the one's you have; I hope you enjoy them.
Their best model Terra Fi 3 lists for $79 :eek:
I wait for them to go on sale, they are unbelievably comfortable and are worth the price. I'm just too cheap to pay the full Monty.

I've moved onto Red Wing for my work shoes. The sizing on my last pair of Wolverines wasn't to my liking. I think loosing about 30 pounds might make my feets happy as freakin' clams.
I tried Red Wings once. They were the most expensive boots I ever bought, and not even insulated.:eek:
They ended up giving me blisters, I never had blisters before. I couldn't imagine how much the insulated version was.
That was my first and last pair of Red Wings.


Audioholic Spartan
Alex I keep having dreams, and getting weird feelings.... yes they're about you. I thought leaving AH for a while would help me get over you. Alex, I just can't quit you. There...I've said it!:eek:
With your intelligence, wit, and skill with tools, I bet that there are a lot of opportunities in AZ for you - construction being just one of them.
^ Fixed it for you. ^ :):D
Hope you still have your old sense of humor:D


Audioholic Jedi
I've been cutting my hair with clippers and the plastic comb attachments for years. I bought a new set of clippers after the last of my plastic attachments broke (and I couldn't find any replacements). With this new one, I can swap out metal blades of different lenghts, so today I'm going to cut my hair with the first blade that I received yesterday.

I think the word you're looking for is, "zzzzzz."


Audioholic Spartan
I've been cutting my hair with clippers and the plastic comb attachments for years. I bought a new set of clippers after the last of my plastic attachments broke (and I couldn't find any replacements). With this new one, I can swap out metal blades of different lenghts, so today I'm going to cut my hair with the first blade that I received yesterday.

I think the word you're looking for is, "zzzzzz."
One word..FlowBee


Audioholic Jedi
I struggle to understand the viewpoint of people who think that it's okay to park in front of someone's driveway when going to a garage sale down the street. Granted, I don't own the street, but it seems like common courtesy to not do that.


Audioholic Jedi
Off to the grocery store to pick up some good tasties for Niki and I. I think that I might actually buy some meat hot dogs. Don't fight it, Dave - real men do cry.



Audioholic Slumlord
I've been cutting my hair for years.
For a number of years I have been wondering exactly how cheap a person could possibly get.
Thanks for shedding some light on this for me. :p :D

edit: expensive clippers though

They have a few different model lines, I've never tried the one's you have; I hope you enjoy them.
Their best model Terra Fi 3 lists for $79 :eek:
I wait for them to go on sale, they are unbelievably comfortable and are worth the price. I'm just too cheap to pay the full Monty.
I've been to their web site and saw that they had hiking boots that I could get away with at work. If I can find a local store that carries them I would be interested in giving them a go. Regarding sandals I am wearing mine around condo land since they haven't been worn outside. I'm telling you that they are therapeutic. It's like having a marshmallow strapped to your heel.

I tried Red Wings once. They were the most expensive boots I ever bought, and not even insulated.:eek:
They ended up giving me blisters, I never had blisters before. I couldn't imagine how much the insulated version was.
That was my first and last pair of Red Wings.
I must have gotten lucky with the particular model I got. Let's just say that the other 6 or so pairs of boots/shoes that I tried there didn't make me feel like I would have enjoyed wearing them for the entirety of the next work day. That Dr. Shol's recommendation of yours worked well for me too. The inserts will probably make it into my Red Wings after they break in some more.
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Audioholic Jedi
For a number of years I have been wondering exactly how cheap a person could possibly get.
Thanks for shedding some light on this for me. :p :D
Oh, you have no idea. :D

Then again, being cheap to myself allows me to be the opposite to others. My new Air is the third Mac laptop that I've bought since 2008, is the least expensive, and is the only one for me. :)


Audioholic Jedi
I think that I might actually buy some meat hot dogs.
Hooooly ish. Hebrew National. Probably not the best hot dog that I've ever had, but it's the best that I can remember. I guess those soy dogs weren't as good as I thought.


Audioholic Spartan
Hooooly ish. Hebrew National. Probably not the best hot dog that I've ever had, but it's the best that I can remember. I guess those soy dogs weren't as good as I thought.
The Jews know their hot dogs.:cool:


Audioholic Slumlord
Oh, you have no idea. :D
Actually I do. Between this thread and it's predecessor I know plenty. Lots of people cut their own hair. I was just looking for an angle to base a joke on and I knew you would be a willing participant ... not saying your not cheap though ... Mr. I change my oil every 20k miles. :)

Beef franks are not quite as good as the pork by product ones. There's something about the way pig lips taste that I really like ... and that's before and after they cut 'em off the pig. :eek: :D

IIRC I ate it's heart and maybe it's tongue ...
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Audioholic Spartan
Alex and Ricks latest venture

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Audioholic Jedi
Those kind of photos make me think that I should be a vegan. Yeah, I'm a city slicker. It's easy for me to not associate it with an animal (my mental defense) until I'm reminded.

And I just bought ham. Bastard. :mad: :D Maybe Niki will get all of it.
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