Just outta curiousity have you ever auditioed any Axiom speakers? I recently sold my owned Energy Rc's which I had chosen over several other brands which included the Psb Image t45's (which I know you & others here keep in high regard) as well as some other BM speakers. If your asking in head to head if I would I choose the sound of W22's over my RC30's probabaly not but that;s not why I switched...
As for their subs...I'm aware of Haoleb's sub build (correct me if I'm wrong, but he still uses his M80's in his system...y/n?
) and his observation but I don't own a Axiom sub so I can't compare it to my FW's build so you got me....
Look I'm not trying to defend Axiom's philosophy or practices on how they conduct their business model....but they sell a lot of speakers and I happen to now own some!