You said you already have a ported box. I'm confused.. The driver is much a part of the tuning.
Anyways, vented boxes with such low tunes are difficult. For example, the LMS-R 15" in 10 cu ft tuned to 15hz needs a 12.5" x 137" port to keep peak air velocity below 17m/s and avoid any noise. That's totally unrealistic. The first issue with that is your vent resonance is all the way down to 51hz. There's also the fact that such a port would add CONSIDERABLE total volume, which shouldn't be confused with internal air volume.
You want your vent resonance more than an octave above your crossover point, so you would need to cross over at 25hz in this scenario. Not happenin. The goal is to get vent resonance above 180hz, and air velocity below 17.3m/s. Otherwise forget using a port. The LMS-R IS an appropriate driver for a low tune helmholtz resontor, but you need passive radiators, not vents. I would presume the same applies to the more expensive Re XXX.