I thought you would have gotten the Denon AVP-A1HDCI?
Well you will have to wait for my review. However in brief that unit has even more facilities I don't need, and misses some I do.
It does not have DTS Neural six 5-2-5. MPR are now broadcasting the Minnesota Orchestral in Neural 6.
I don't have to have a radio, however it is insurance against my vintage Quad FM 4 someday becoming unfixable, due to parts NLA. The FM tuner in that Marantz happens to be a very good one.
Having a DSD decoder in a pre pro, offers zero advantages, and SACD will be dead as a dodo pronto and needs to be. So it will just be a matter of playing our archived material.
I don't need a phono input, and I certainly don't need 12 channels. The next thing is I'm not paying for bogus marketing hype. I processor is not channel discrete, and that takes the lions share of the power. Th power consumed by the analog circuitry is tiny. Putting in 12 power supplies is bogus, and sop to the loony crowd. I refuse to pay for such nonsense.
The important specs are not published, I suspect because they do not want you to know important things like crosstalk and signal to noise are no better than on their cheaper Marantz line.
The Marantz is about half the cost. If I thought the Denon would be a better unit in its core functions, I would have bought it, but I doubt it is. I refuse to pay fro "fluff".