Audioholic General
BTW.... while it may sound just fine to you... it doesn't mean using an 80Hz xover didn't result in a dip in frequency around the xover...I had my SuperZeros for 10 yrs and had I set the xover @ 80Hz for 10 yrs on my NHT SW2P subwoofer and they sounded great.
The SZ just doesn't have meaningful bass... See Stereophile's measurements...
It's -6dB at 88Hz... and the roll off begins above 120Hz... maybe higher, but hard to tell from the graph...
Of course, these are "quasi-anechoic" measurements, so in room, depending on placement, you might get a bit of a boost down low...
Still, I stand by my comments that the SZ 2.0 has basically no bass, and requires a high xover... If wall mounted, or right up against the wall... maybe 100Hz would work... but on stands out from the wall... I wouldn't use anything less that 120Hz, if not higher... based on my experience.